Page 59 of Stallion

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“I think we’re in for some serious weather. Make sure you have supplies on hand. If we don’t talk again today, we can catch up tomorrow.”

“Okay, sounds good, and thanks for the heads up.”

Ending the call, Matt stuffed his few belongings into his backpack, then slid his laptop into its padded bag and headed out, but as he trotted down the stairs he ran into Bethany.

“I thought you already left,” he said casually.

“No, I just needed to run an errand. My packing isn’t even close to being finished.”

“Where will you be stayin’?”

“The only place I can. The River Hotel.”

“Ah, right. Well, I guess I’ll see you when I come back,” he said, watching her closely for a reaction.

“Come back?” she repeated, a crinkle crossing her forehead.

“We didn’t find the source of those mysterious sounds. I’m sure Tom will want us to return to finish the job. But please excuse me, there’s somewhere I need to be.”

“Oh, sure,” she muttered, then turned and hurried away.

It was obvious she was rattled, but was it because she hadn’t expected to see him, or was her anxiety from the meeting with the man in the Tesla?

* * *

Ellie was almost finished loading her SUV when she saw Matt striding towards her. Though she smiled, she was anything but calm. As she’d packed, it became obvious someone had been rifling through her belongings. Her neatly folded sweaters were disheveled, and items in her bathroom drawers had been moved. Not much, but enough for her to notice.

“Hey, Ellie. Almost done? Can I help?” Matt called as he approached.

“Matt, this cabin was locked when I left, and locked when I came back, but someone’s been going through my things.”

“Dammit. Is anything missing?”

“Not that I can tell, but it’s so unnerving.”

“Yep, I get it,” he said with a nod. “It’s a good thing you’re stayin’ with Noah. You’ll be safe there. Have you got all your valuables?”


“I’m followin’ you back just to be on the safe side.”

“Thank you,” she said with a sigh. “I was going to ask if you would, but it’s the middle of the day, and I didn’t want to sound—“

“Hey, I get it, and I’ll feel better too, but I want to check one thing before we go.” To her shock, he dropped to the ground, stretched out on his back, and wriggled under the SUV. “Yep…I figured as much.”


Squirming out and rising to his feet, he held up a black box with a blinking red light.

“This! It’s a tracker.”

“Oh, my gosh? Again?”

“Ellie, it’s obvious, whoever is behind all this is determined to keep tabs on you. I’m about to throw a wrench in the works. I’ll explain on the way to Matt’s.”

“But we’ll be in separate cars.”

“That’s why we have cell phones!”
