Page 60 of Stallion

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With both trackers safely in his glove compartment, Matt followed Eleanor back to Noah’s. But as she slowed down and swung her SUV off the road and into Noah’s courtyard, he honked a goodbye and continued on. He was heading for the trail up the mountain where his close friends Devlin Pike and Clint Kincaid owned cabins.

Devlin’s place was a cozy retreat, and Clint’s a luxury chalet. Though the mountains had a lot to offer, Matt preferred living in the forest at the base of Lone Pine Hill.

During the twenty-minute drive to the turnoff, he recalled the dramas he’d shared with his buddies. Just recently they’d joined forces to outwit a vicious thug. A short time before that, Devlin had been the victim of the ruthless gangster, Jay Whittaker, and Matt had taken it upon himself to dispatch the evil man to the gates of hell.

“Sure is weird,” he muttered under his breath. “Whittaker owned that place, now Eleanor’s father has bought it, and it could be the center of even more criminal activity.”

Still pondering the odd coincidence, he finally reached the turn off and started up the trail.

The location was a popular destination, and initially the track was relatively smooth, but it wasn’t long before the trees grew thicker, the grade became steeper, and rocks and branches littered the ground. It was the section where most regular vehicles would turn around, but Matt’s truck could handle the terrain and continued on. Finally stopping next to a narrow trail he knew led nowhere and was barely wide enough for a car, he climbed out and placed the large tracker under leaves near some rocks. Satisfied, he took the smaller one and hurled it into the air. With a satisfied grin, he watched it fly a good distance before disappearing into the heavy forest.

If the men keeping tabs on Ellie followed the signal and managed to find the car tracker in the leaves, they’d assume it had been hit by rocks and knocked off. Matt could imagine them checking the signal from the smaller tracker, and looking down the rough trail. Venturing into the heavily wooded area was not for the faint of heart.

Whether or not they’d continue hunting her he had no idea, but the ruse would keep them busy…at least for a while.

* * *

Noah had been working with one of the foals when Matt called. He’d explained how he’d found the trackers, what he intended to do with them, and suggested Ellie park her SUV out of sight in the storage shed.

It was only a short time later Noah heard an approaching vehicle. Striding out to the courtyard, he’d seen Ellie’s white SUV rolling towards him and waved her forward into the makeshift garage, then parked his truck in front of her.

“I’m glad you’re back,” he’d declared, hurrying over to her as she stepped out.

“Me too,” she’s replied, hugging him tightly. “I still can’t believe Matt found those trackers. What about all my things?”

“If we carry your bags behind the shed and through the backyard, we can’t be seen from the road.”

“Noah, I’m sorry to be such a nuisance.”

“Hey, don’t talk like that. You’re not a nuisance, and I’m glad I’m here to help. More to the point, I’m glad you’re here,” he added, lowering his voice. “Take a deep breath. This will all work itself out. Come into the barn with me. You can help me get the blankets out and I’ll show you how to put them on.”

* * *

Nervously pacing in a suite at the River Hotel, Bethany waited for Michael Aiken, formerly Jay Whittaker’s right-hand man. His plan was falling apart, and she was smack dab in the center of it. Hers was the most important role, and while she’d succeeded in convincing Tom Mitchell he was her father, she’d been unable to locate the hidden riches Jay Whittaker had hidden in the house.

Though she was expecting Michael’s arrival, the sharp knock at the door still startled her. Taking a deep breath and trying to calm her nerves, she hurried across the room.

“Hi, Mikey, any news?” she asked as he strode past her. “Did you find out why everyone had to leave?”

“It’s not your business anymore,” he snapped, glaring at her.


“Why did you have to alienate Eleanor so completely?” he demanded. “I told you to scare her out of there so you’d have less interference while you searched, not turn her into Enemy Number One.”

“She’s very temperamental and she—“

“I don’t want to listen to your excuses. I’m just here to give you new orders. Pay attention. Stay in touch with Tom Mitchell, and I mean, all the time. Get as much information from him as you can.”

“What kind of information?”

“When he’s coming back, what he’s doing, what his plans are, and ask about Eleanor. Be contrite, apologetic, ask if she’s okay. Keep him talking, and for fuck’s sake, record every word. You still have the equipment I gave you, right?”

“Yes, Mikey, I made sure to bring it with me.”

“Every time you speak with him, send me the conversation. Got it?”
