Page 61 of Stallion

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“Yes, I understand.”

“And don’t wait to hear from him. He’s a busy man. You call him, and ask about his activities.”

“Don’t you have people watching him?”

“Hey!” he barked, striding across the room and looming over her. “I ask the questions. You just do as you’re told.”

“Okay, okay, and I’m sorry I couldn’t find anything,” she added hastily. “I did the best I could. It’s a huge place, and there are so many rooms. Searching Eleanor’s suite was impossible. I played the thumping sounds and it did scare her, but—“

“Stop! It’s no longer your concern. You have your orders. Follow them. I’ll be in touch later this afternoon.”

As he turned and marched from the room, she let out a long, relieved breath. It could have been so much worse than a tongue-lashing.


As the afternoon progressed, Noah and Ellie watched the storm march purposefully closer. After moving most of her belongings from the SUV into the house, they turned their attention to the barn. By the time the first drops of rain fell, the horses had been blanketed, the doors leading out to the corrals secured, and the stalls loaded with fresh shavings. They had just finished hanging the hay nets when a boom of thunder boomed overhead. They dashed back to the house, Noah scooping up Sherlock on the way.

“Wow, listen to that,” Ellie exclaimed breathlessly as a burst of torrential rain pounded the roof. “We made it back just in time.”

“Did you notice the sudden chill in the air?” he asked, putting Sherlock on the floor and lifting his phone from his pocket. “The forecast says the temperature will be droppin’ into the thirties.”

“Isn’t it late in the season for a storm like this?” she remarked, starting a pot of coffee.

“We often get a last blast of winter, but yeah, it is kinda late. Mother Nature is like all women. She can be troublesome.”

Ellie laughed out loud, then turned to face him.

“And men aren’t, I suppose.”

“We don’t have time. We’re too busy dealin’ with difficult girls like you,” he replied, striding across the kitchen and lifting her off her feet.

“You silly boy,” she giggled. “We handle you all the time, but we’re smarter about it. You just don’t notice.”

“Thems is fightin’ words,” he warned, and deftly maneuvering her over his shoulder, he carried her squealing down the hall to his bedroom and tossed her on the bed.

“Noah Jackson, you are—“

But before she could finish, his lips were crushing hers in a fervent, devouring kiss. Finally pulling back and hastily removing her clothes, he hurriedly stripped and yanked back the covers.

“Maybe we should start the fire,” she suggested as they slid between the sheets.

Wordlessly lying on top of her, he reached across to the nightstand and pulled out a remote control and a condom. With a press of a button the fireplace flamed to life, then kneeling up, he sheathed his stiffened cock.

“I watched you runnin’ around that barn all afternoon in those sexy jeans,” he muttered, lowering his head to nuzzle her neck. “You drove me crazy.”

“You were driving me crazy too,” she gasped as he thrust his fingers between her legs and urgently massaged her clit. “Watching you lift those bales of hay like they were nothing was such a turn on. You’re so strong, but Noah, if you keep rubbing me I swear I’ll c-come.”

“You know you’re soaked,” he whispered, then suddenly began thrusting his finger in and out of her sex. As she let out a cry, he grabbed his hardness and placed himself at her entrance. “Damn, I want you so bad,” he groaned as he pushed forward. “Half-a-dozen times I almost took you up to the hay loft.”

* * *

But Ellie couldn’t respond.

He was plunging into her, taking her breath away and making speech impossible. Grabbing her wrists and pinning them on either side of her head, he stroked with gusto, not changing his pace or pausing to tease her. Never had she felt so possessed or dominated, not even when he’d spanked her. This was power and passion like she’d never experienced, and she knew he wouldn’t stop until they were both exploding. She was thinking she never wanted it to end when he pressed his mouth on hers. His pounding cock seemed linked to his tongue as he pushed it between her teeth, and though she never wanted the all-consuming coupling to end, her orgasm was building.

“Give it to me,” he growled, his lips suddenly at her ear. “Your climax belongs to me. Give it to me now.”

There was no stopping the powerful convulsions.
