Page 6 of Professor

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“I remember.” I try to keep distance between us. Even brushing up against her might prove to be too much for me. “I used to get a turkey on rye.” I smile at the memory. “I didn’t know anyone here, and with most of my time spent huddled up in the lab, the counter clerk was the person I talked to most, besides the dean.”

She’s silent for a moment, nodding her head. “I can totally relate.”

“You’re young. Don’t you go to parties? Keggers?” Rebecca laughs out loud, and as musical as it is, it makes me feel as if I’ve said something totally antiquated. “They still have keggers, right?”

“I’m sure they do, but I’ve never been to one.”

“How come?”

“Parties aren’t exactly my scene. I always feel like I should be doing something instead of just standing around drinking beer and talking about stupid stuff.” The dean was right; Rebecca is a different type of student. I don’t know how I had her pegged, but this isn’t it. “Besides, I care too much about my future to jeopardize it with a hangover. There are too many things to get done.”

“I can totally relate. Though, I do love a glass of whiskey on occasion.”

Rebecca turns to me. “Honestly, I’ve never had it.”

“What?” I can’t hide my surprise. “It’s an acquired taste, but honestly, once you find the right kind.” I mime a chef’s kiss.

“I’ll have to try it sometime.”

“I want to be there when you do.” The words come out so quickly; I don’t even have time to regret them. We’re already at the deli, and as I hold the door open for her, I don’t have time to gauge her reaction.



It’s nearly dawn,and the project hasn’t progressed. I’d like to say that it’s bothering me, but I’d be lying. Staring into Dr. Jameson’s deep brown eyes is enough to keep me satisfied. We’ve been going over material, complimenting each other’s findings. Turns out, he’s easier to talk to than I initially thought. Maybe we’re more alike than what meets the eye.

“You went to undergrad here, too?” Dr. Jameson asks. It feels good for him to take a personal interest in me. God knows I’m interested in him.

“No, Dr. Jameson. I went to State. I had a full scholarship.” I rest my head in my hand, trying to appear casual even though every minute with him feels like it's building more tension like there’s an unspokenthingin the air between us.



“You can call me Kellan.”

“Kellan,” I say his name, letting it roll around on my tongue. “Will do. Even though it seems a little weird.”


“Because I’ve only known you as Dr. Jameson.” My fingertip twirls against the lab table.

“Let’s remedy that.” My eyes flick to his. The look on his face has my stomach dancing with butterflies. He really is the most handsome man I’ve ever laid eyes on. With his strong jaw and high cheekbones, he looks more like a model hired to play a professor than a actual top scientist.

“If that’s what you want.”

“It is.” His nostrils flare, and I wish he would just lean in and kiss me. “What brought you here?”

“Other than the chance to study under someone as brilliant as you?”

“Stop.” He rolls his eyes, making me laugh.

“Another scholarship. The truth is, I have to follow the money; otherwise I wouldn’t be able to afford it. I’d be waiting tables full-time instead of as a means to an end, instead of working toward what I’ve always wanted to be.” Kellan stares at me, and a wave of self-consciousness washes over me. “I sound like a little dreamer, huh?”

“I think it’s fantastic. Goals are always worth having and working for. It’s how I’ve always lived my life, and I feel pretty solid in attaining them.”

“Do you always get what you want?” My heart’s in my throat. Does he know I’m talking about us?
