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“And what happens when there’s another threat? Because there will be, every time I have a victory. I can’t run and hide every time. I need to keep living my life.”

“Why did you hire me if you didn’t intend to listen to me?”

“Why did you take the job if you didn’t intend to do as I asked?”

They glared at each other, both breathing hard. Alex wondered what it would be like to close the space between them, press Elizabeth into the wall and fuck her into submission. Would she be more amiable to reason after Alex had given her an orgasm? It was almost worth a shot. Almost.

“I’m going to shower.”

“I need to check the room first,” Alex snapped.

“Fine! Go ahead.”

Alex did a thorough sweep of the room and the bathroom before leaving Elizabeth alone. She took her place outside the bedroom door, fuming.

She had guarded some stubborn clients before, but none of them approached Elizabeth’s passion. It would be unbearably sexy if it wasn’t so infuriating. No, scratch that. It was unbearably sexyandinfuriating.

That thought just worsened Alex’s already foul mood. She didn’t want to think about how sexy Elizabeth was. She wanted to dwell on how angry she was, but that wouldn’t be productive, either.

She forced herself to think of the things she could change. Elizabeth seemed amiable to beefing up the security around her home, at least. That was something.

Alex would have to work on a way of getting her to stay home more often. Clearly, direct confrontation was a bad idea. Alex had always been a direct person and wasn’t good at subtler ways of getting what she wanted, but she would have to try.

The image of herself and Elizabeth in bed popped up in her head. If she could please Elizabeth well enough, maybe she would stay—

Nope. No, no, no, she was not going there. The first step would be getting Elizabeth’s staff in here to set up a temporary office where Alex could keep an eye on all of them. Maybe they could work on Elizabeth’s schedule and try to limit her public appearances as much as possible.

Unfortunately, it sounded like that was going to be a sticking point.

Alex listened to the sound of the shower turning off and the bathroom door opening as she tried to think of how she could convince Elizabeth. Maybe James would have better luck. He knew Elizabeth a lot better than Alex did, and Elizabeth was sure to be feeling guilty over what happened to him, even though it wasn’t her fault.

Alex knew all about feeling guilty over something that everyone else said wasn’t her fault.

No, she wasn’t going there either. She’d spent more than enough time onthatalready.

Too late.

The memories assaulted her, as they always did for even the smallest provocation.

Alex was back there, with her unit, joking with Mike and John, as always. It was a normal day… until it wasn’t.

They hit the mine going at full speed, and everything went to hell. Alex was aware of screaming, movement, and a blinding pain in her head.

When she woke up, she was in a field hospital, hooked up to a bunch of monitors.

“Mike? John? Isette?”

One of the doctors hurried over to her. “Alex, how are you feeling?”

“Where is everyone?” Alex looked around. Turning her head was painful, but she did it. The beds around her were all occupied, but she didn’t recognize anyone from her unit.

The doctor’s face softened in sympathy. “I’m sorry, Alex. You’re the only one who made it.”

Just like that, Alex’s world ended.

The only one who made it.

The only one who made it.
