Page 43 of Corrupt Justice

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“Ma and Da are fine,” Cane said. “They’re still out at the winery, and a team is with them. Second chopper is headed out to bring them in. We aren’t taking any more chances.”

“Chances with what?” Rainy quizzed.

“Any chance of being run off the road and ambushed. A team of rigs came up on him, ran him off the road, and shot him up,” Wit said. “Sounds like he took the ditch sideways and escaped the gunfire. His rig took the brunt of it. Maybe a few grazes, but that’s it. No real hits.”

“Shit.” Killion fumed. “Where was his convoy?”

“One in front and one behind. They went for him in the middle,” Cane said. “The car behind him stayed behind with Finn while the lead car went after the assholes who hit him. Tailing them now. Getting air support and teams headed right for them from the south. We got these assholes. They aren’t slipping through the cracks.”

Rainy let out a deep breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. “Thank God.”

“That’s right. He was so damn lucky,” Killion said. “No thanks to me.”

“This isn’t your fault. Finn had a target on his back, so… they probably saw an O’Reilly and went for him,” Wit countered.

Killion leaned in and looked at the vehicle on the screen closer and pointed. “Hardly. He’s driving my rig. They were counting on me being in that vehicle. That’s why they didn’t shoot to kill.”

“Ah, shit.” Wit ran his hands down his face, showing signs of fatigue. “They missed on purpose. Ran him off the road and shot him up to disable and disorient him, thinking it was you and you’d be easier to grab.”

Cane dropped his head, trying to shield his anger. “They came for one of my brothers, and the other paid the price instead.”

“We got somethin’,” Wit said to the entire room after pulling his phone from his pocket. “Carter Landry is on his way to the scene. They found an abandoned car, and a drone is in pursuit of the getaway car.”

“This is good news,” Rainy said to Killion. “They’ll get them. This is a step in the right direction.”

“If they get them,” Killion chided. “If.”

“Ah, they’ll get ’em.” Wit smiled, still reading his screen. “He already called in the cavalry. Feds are headed right for them on the interstate, and they’re setting up roadblocks along the route. They ain’t gettin’ away, O’Reilly.”

Rainy smiled. “See? It’s going to be okay. They’ll take them in, get what they can out of them, lock them up, and throw away the key… for good this time.”

Killion cupped her face and soaked in her smile and enthusiasm, and returned a weak smile of his own. “I hope so, darlin’… I hope so.”


“They seem more awake now than before,” Rainy whispered as she carefully laid Meyer in his crib.

Killion laid Jolie down for the night and took a step back, looking at their two sleeping babies. “They’re becoming more aware. More curious, it seems.”

“Hmm, wonder where they get that from.” Rainy quietly giggled.

“It’s natural. Babies at this stage tend to be more alert for longer periods as their naps grow longer and fewer as well. They…” He paused, noting Rainy’s raised eyebrows and how she was biting her bottom lip to hide her amusement. “Right. You mean they get it from me. Wouldn’t be a terrible thing. Curiosity has worked well for me.”

“I agree,” Rainy said, leaving the room.

Killion followed her to the living room, where she began to pick up the miscellaneous baby items they’d used for the day to put them away. It wasn’t easy for her to bend down and move about with the added bulk of the items in her hands, but she did it nonetheless, and he smiled, appreciating her determination.

He went to the kitchen and grabbed the remaining sparkling cider from earlier in the day from the refrigerator and a couple of plastic cups again. He held it up. “Join me on the balcony?”

Rainy looked his way, then tossed the rest of the items in a nearby basket and headed for the balcony. “I’d love to. You don’t have to drink that on account of me, you know. Have a beer.”

Killion shrugged, meeting her at the door that led them outside and helped her cross the threshold with his free hand. “I prefer this stuff.”

“Sure, you do.” She snickered over her shoulder before taking a seat on the outdoor sofa.

“I’ll drink a beer when you can drink a beer.” He set the cups on the table in front of them and began to pour. “What a day, huh?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Depends on how you want to look at it. You could say it was a good day, all in all. Finn will be okay. He just needs a little time to heal. Carter got three pretty promising arrests. It won’t be long before the rest are apprehended at this rate.”
