Page 50 of Corrupt Justice

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“My chair is perfectly comfortable, and I’ve pulled many overnighters in it. I’ll…”

“Killion. Please. That’s nothing more than an oversized gaming chair with a footrest. There’s no way that’s comfortable,” she said. “The bed will be more comfortable.”

“I don’t want to crowd you, and I’ll be glued to those screens watching for trouble all night anyway.”

“I’d… feel safer with you next to me,” she finally admitted. “If you’re comfortable with it that is. I don’t want to assume anything either.”

Killion moved closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. “It would be a fair assumption that I’d rather have you next to me in bed than across the room from you in a chair. I find that it’s much easier to protect someone when they’re skin to skin and wrapped in each other’s arms.”

“I, uh… would… definitely like to assume that then and… uh… for you to, uh… see it through.” She stammered through her words, clearly affected by his.

He lowered his timbre, lips only inches from hers. “There’s only one question left, then…”

“Yeah?” she asked breathily, her eyelids becoming heavy as she gave in to his seduction. “What’s that?”

“Which side of the bed do you want?” he deadpanned.

Rainy’s gaze was fixed on his like he held her in a trance. She was speechless as his words rolled over her, and she considered the question.

“Pfft.” Rainy pushed away slightly and burst into laughter until she fell back on the bed, trying to catch her breath.

“I don’t understand.” Killion looked around the room, then back at Rainy. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh, Killion…” She laughed. “You went from sweet, want you in my bed, skin to skin, arms wrapped around me… to which side do I want?”

He held his hands out to his side in confusion. “What? It’s a fair question. I want you to be comfortable.”

“You’re right.” She giggled. “It is a fair question. It’s just that you went from super heart-pounding sultry to deadpan serious in a flash.”

“Heart pounding, huh?”

“Yeah, pretty heart pounding. You had me melting in your arms, O’Reilly.”

“And now?” Killion questioned, seeming offended.

“And now… I find you adorable. And ridiculously sweet because you come by it all honestly.”

“Come by what?”

“Being you, Killion. You’re the most honest and pure person I have ever known.”

“That’s a good thing, right? Because you’re laughing, and I can’t tell if it’s with me or at me.”

“It will always be with you,” she said, pulling him onto the bed next to her. “I could never laugh at you.”

He ran his fingers through her hair. “That’s good to know. I meant what I said. Skin to skin…”

“Don’t start anything you can’t finish, O’Reilly.” She warned as he dragged his hand down her side and under her shirt.

“I intend to finish every…” He kissed her. “Single…” He kissed her again. “Time.”

Caught in a tumultuous moment of lust, the two went from lighthearted and sweet to hot and unbridled quickly until she pulled away.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Skin to skin…” she heaved through breaths. “Can’t yet.”

“Why not? You want to switch sides of the bed?” he asked earnestly.
