Page 59 of Corrupt Justice

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“I know, but if it does… please stay here with the babies. With our families. At least for a while. Let them take care of you and the twins. Protect you like I would. Live here. Make this place your home.”

Concern filled her expression as she cupped his face. “Killion—”

He cut her off. “Promise me… just in case.”

“Of course,” she said frantically. “Of course, I will, but nothing…”

“I love you, Rainy Jo. I’ve loved you since the day I met you and never stopped.”

“I love you too,” she whispered while tears trailed down her face. “So much it hurts.”

“Always know that, okay? No matter what, know how much I love you.”

She began to nod, but his watch started to beep with an alarm. Quick to stand, he gently placed her on her feet and went for his phone.

“It’s an alert,” he said. “Dammit.”

“What is it?”

He started for his office but said over his shoulder, “Get the babies, and meet me in the office.”

“Killion!” she shouted. “What is it?”

“There’s a chopper landing on the roof. We’re being attacked… again.”


“They barely landed before taking off again,” Wit shared as they sat around Killion’s living room for a quick debrief. “We saw it coming and had the drones deployed before they could even land.”

“They didn’t anticipate the snipers either,” Brody said. “Couple of shots from them and the drones in their face, weapons deployed, and they were out of here.”

“It was odd, actually,” Cane added. “If these assholes are watching, how’d they miss our counter-defensives?”

“They’re starting to make mistakes. This has dragged out over a week at this point,” Killion pointed out. “They’re growing impatient. That’s a good thing.”

“Either way, we’re well protected now. The way we need to be to battle this bastard.” Cane continued. “It’s working. Everything in place is working, and like you said, those mistakes are a good thing. It’ll lead to the break we need in the case. We’re getting closer, brother.”

“Meanwhile, we have a team investigating the helo –– having trouble tracing it anywhere other than shell companies. Might take us a little longer, but we’ll get there.”

Rainy stood in the hallway. “Hey, I hate to interrupt, but I just used the last two diapers on the babies and can’t find the box we ordered.”

“Oh damn,” Killion chided. “It was delivered this afternoon out front. It must’ve gone up in the explosion. I’ll go to the little market across the street and grab some.”

“I can go.” Wit was quick to offer.

Killion stood. “Nah, you all go home. It’s been a long couple of days. Be with your families. I’ll be fine. We just proved that when a helicopter tried to land on our roof and couldn’t.”

The rest of the men stood too.

“Well, I’ll tag along at least,” Wit said. “Be your personal bodyguard.”

“I know you like to take bullets for people, but I’ll take a rain check,” Killion joked. “Seriously, it’s practically right outside our door. I’ll be fine. We have shooters on the roof and drones up. I won’t be alone. I’ll be there and back in five minutes.”

“Alright,” Cane said. “I’m sending an alert that you’re heading out so they watch out.”

“If you insist.” Killion sighed. “But if they’re doing their jobs, they’ll see me the minute I walk out the building.”

“Done,” Cane said, pocketing his phone. “You have the dream team expecting you.”
