Page 6 of Corrupt Justice

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Finn noted the sinister tone and equally menacing stare and shook his head, choosing to drop the subject.

“Good. We have Lindstrom out on the streets with at least half a dozen other deadbeats we’ve put away recently, and probably more from over the years with someone powerful fueling whatever their endgame is.” Killion went on. “This is all Chalice related. It has to be. I wish we could just destroy those damn ledgers and let it die, once and for all.”

“Why don’t we?” Finn asked earnestly.

“Because as long as we know where they are, we know who holds the power. The key to the kingdom,” Carter added. “If Lindstrom is out, it’s only because he wants what’s his before he dies. He wants his money and power to pass along to whoever he’s groomed as his next predecessor.”

“I thought this meant Chalice was dead — all the work we’ve done over the past several years. Collecting those ledgers and putting away the bastards making bad moves,” Finn questioned. “How can it still be so powerful. Who’s Chalice now?”

“Me,” Killion deadpanned. “I’m Chalice. I have everything under digital lock and key, hidden where nobody can find them on a server only I can access, open, and so on. As long as I keep them at bay, nobody makes a move. The minute we destroy it and bury it where it belongs, someone will dig it all up again and start over. It lives with me and dies with me. I’ll take it all to my grave.”

“Which is why Rainy is still a target. Lindstrom has unfinished business with her and she’s a way to Killion.” Carter warned, “So are those babies. They’re all in danger.”

Ayelish kissed the top of her nephew’s head. “Over my cold dead body.”

“Not on my watch,” Sheridan said, looking down at Killion’s daughter, swaying back and forth to comfort her. “You know that, right, cousin? Not a finger on these pretty little heads.”

Wit turned his attention back to Killion. “I get that the ledgers are the key to the kingdom, as you say, but why Rainy? Why the babies? Why not just go after you?”

Fire blazed behind Killion’s stare as his eyes danced between his children and his fists clenched. “Revenge.”


“There you go, baby girl,” Killion said, gently laying his daughter in her crib. “You and little man over there take care of each other. I’ll be back in a bit with Mama.”

“As soon as you leave, we’re waking them up and giving them sugar, watching junk TV, and swearing as often as possible,” Ashlyn teased.

“Sugar? You know that can be very damaging at this age,” Killion warned. “And television should be limited because…”

“Oh geez.” Ayelish giggled. “She’s kidding, Killion. We’d never corrupt these little darlings.”

“Nah. That’s for us uncles to do,” Finn said, leaning in the doorway. “When they’re old enough. Though, they already seem pretty serious like their dad, so it may be a lost cause. Couple of little baby Killions.”

The group chuckled as they headed out the bedroom door, aiming for the living room.

“So when are you actually going to name them?” Finn asked, taking a seat on the couch.

“When the time is right.” Killion pulled his flak jacket on and buckled the sides, then went for his holsters as he prepared to leave for Rainy’s extraction.

“When will that be?” Finn went on.

“When their world is right,” Killion said.

“Okay.” Finn rolled his eyes at Killion’s direct yet short answers and rolled his hands in front of him, prompting Killion to elaborate. “Which is?”

“When their mama is home. When she can feed them, change them, play with them, rock them to sleep. When she knows them like I know them.” Killion slid his weapons into place, checking them as he went.

“She knows them, Killion.” Finn continued. “You take them up there every day. She spends hours with them.”

“It’s not the same.” Killion pecked at the screen of his phone, then his watch, syncing them. “The law says we have six months. We’ll take the whole six months if we need to. I don’t want to rush Rainy for the sake of others.”

Finn chuckled. “Six months. Cutting it close.”

“It’s the right thing. For them and for Rainy.”

Ayelish chimed in, rubbing her pregnant belly, “They know they’re loved, and that’s what matters.”

“Maybe.” Finn smirked. “Until the identity crisis.”
