Page 91 of More than Friends

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“I don’t know what I want anymore,” she says softly.

My eyes narrow on her. She leans back in her chair and says, “Everything. Everything about my future just got upended this week.Everything. The earth beneath my feet has shifted. I don’t know what I want anymore.”

Tears flow down her cheeks as anger bubbles inside me. I’m angry at the situation. I’m angry at the unfairness of it. I’m angry that she’s moving on. I pick up the contract and rip it into four pieces while holding eye contact with her. “Email your lawyer right now and tell her to void the contract.”

“What?” She blinks.

“If we’re breaking the contract, I want it done right. Email your lawyer right now.”

She hesitates and then she says softly, “Of course.”

I watch her type on her phone.

“Let me see it.” My tone is not kind. It startles her, but she turns her phone around so I can read through the email. “Okay, send it.”

She pushes the send button and the sound of the email sending fills the silence.

I stand up. “I should go.”

She looks toward the food at the counter. “What about lunch? Don’t you want to eat?”

“I’m not hungry.” I pull open her front door. Before she can say anything else, I say, “Bye, Maggie.” And slam the door behind me.


“Dude, if you squeezethat glass any harder, you’ll shatter it,” Eli says.

I tilt my head back and drain the rest of it and then slam it down on the table.

He leans forward closer to me. “You have to stop staring at Maggie like that.”

I jerk my eyes over to him. “Like what?”

“Like you’d like to murder her date,” he says.

Her date. She brought a fucking date to the Inaugural Ball. We ripped up that contract like a week ago, and she’s already dating someone else. They are on the dance floor. He has his body pressed against hers, his hand on her lower back, way too low on her back.

“See,” Eli says, motioning toward me. “If you could kill with a stare, that guy would be dead.”

“Too bad you can’t,” I mutter.

We’re alone at the table, but Eli is keeping his voice down. “I told you getting involved with Maggie was a bad idea. One of your worst, and you’ve had a lot of terrible ideas when it comes to women.”

I roll my eyes. He’s not wrong.

“I knew this would blow up in your face.”

I growl at him without taking my eyes off Maggie.

“If James finds out about this...”

“James is never finding out about this unless you fucking tell him,” I hiss.

He holds his hands up. “Like I’d want to be the one to deliver that news? No thank you, but if you keep staring at them like that, James is going to figure it out on his own.”

I growl again and continue to stare. I don’t care who sees. The song is ending. I stand up.

“Declan, sit back down,” Eli calls. “Dude, you’re going to regret this.”
