Page 24 of Logan

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Work. My boss.

Oh my God, I hadsexwith my boss.

I pressed my hands to my warm cheeks and swallowed back a groan. What was I thinking?

That was the thing . . . I hadn’t been thinking last night, just feeling, and it had beendivine. Then again, I was supposed to marry the guy this weekend, he was going to be my husband, so didn’t I already cross a pretty huge line?

But this felt different. . . and real. And that’s when I realized my heart was already far more involved than I’d ever thought possible. Looking down at the engagement ring on my finger, I worried on my bottom lip, trying to figure out when things had gotten so complicated.

“What’s wrong?”

Logan’s sleep-gruff voice came from the bed, and I whirled around to see him still laying there, but fully awake. His hair was adorably mussed around his head, giving his normally serious demeanor a softer, more approachable appearance. There was a peaceful expression on his face that made me feel like I was seeing him for the first time.

The mellow look completely transformed his features. His carefully guarded walls were down in that moment. I never really noticed before that he was so emotionally closed off, but seeing a deeper side of him was an eye-opener.

“Mia?” he prompted, snapping me out of my musings.

“Uh…” I blinked and quickly tried to gather my thoughts. “It’s after eight. I’m going to be late for work.”

Logan chuckled as he sat up, the bed covers falling to his waist, showing off his toned chest and firm abs. “I’m pretty sure the boss won’t care.”

I forced my gaze off his hot, sexy body and back up to his eyes, which danced with amusement. “Still, we should get moving,” I said pragmatically. “We need to maintain professionalism at the office.”

Logan groaned but threw back the blankets. Getting out of bed butt naked, he strutted toward the master bathroom and I couldn’t help myself. My eyes devoured every inch of his toned form. Smooth skin covering taut muscles that flexed and released with each step.

“Have it your way. But we’re not at the office now, so you’re welcome to join me in the shower.” He winked at me before disappearing inside.

I gaped after him. Where in the world had this playful side of him come from?

* * *

As much as I wanted to, I didn’t join Logan in the shower. I knew that it would just lead to more sex, and we were already running late for the day.

So, he dropped me off at my apartment so I could take a shower and put on some fresh clothes. Of course, my mom was there, demanding an explanation, so I had to spend a little time telling her that I was with Logan, checking out the place I would be living after the wedding.

Mom wasn’t thrilled with my decision to marry Logan in the first place, so this didn’t go over well, even though I left out the part about having sex. It wasn’t the kind of thing I wanted to discuss with my mother, but she wasn’t a stupid woman. She must have suspected, but I was a grown adult and didn’t need her permission to spend the night with a man.

By the time I arrived at the office, Logan was already there. He was sitting at his desk with a cup of coffee that he must have made himself. That shocked me. Who knew he was even aware of how the machine worked?

Despite what I said about being professional, I felt flustered just being around him. Every time I had to go into his office, I tried to proceed like it was business as usual. I updated him on his meetings for the day, brought contracts to be signed, and refilled his coffee cup twice.

But it didn’t feel the same as any other day. I could feel his eyes lingering on me in a way that made my entire body light up and tingle with awareness, and I couldn’t help thinking about him bending me over his desk for a repeat performance of what we did last night.

No, not exactly professional thoughts.

In the early afternoon, Logan received his lunch delivery from one of his favorite restaurants, a cafe that made a lot of sandwiches, salads, and soups. I ordered the food and checked it when the delivery man dropped it off. Immediately, I knew that he wouldn’t be happy to learn they sent the soup of the day instead of his usual order of a side salad to go along with his Philly cheesesteak.

I squared my shoulders and steeled myself as I walked into the office, hoping that he wouldn’t make me go to the cafe to replace it, since the restaurant was ten blocks away and traffic would be insanely heavy in the middle of the day, which meant walking there in my heels under the hot sun. It was an arduous trip I’d made before, and I hated it.

I knocked on Logan’s door three times, like always, and he called me inside. I had the white plastic bag that the meal came in and a bottle of water in the other. Crossing to his desk, I sat the water down, and he looked away from his computer screen to grab it and turn his attention to me.

“So, there’s a problem with your order,” I said, placing the bag directly in front of him. “I ordered your salad, but they brought soup. It’s Italian wedding.”

“Oh.” He opened the bag and brought everything out to be inspected and placed on the desk. “That’s okay.”

“That’s okay?” I parroted the words back to him, surprised. “But they didn’t bring the salad.”

The corner of his mouth kicked up in a grin. “I think I’ll live.”

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