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His dragon’s vehemence shocked him for a second, but then he pushed it away.Let’s focus our energy on Percy and not them. It’ll be more worthwhile.

His beast grumbled, which meant he’d try.

Bronx met Percy’s gaze again. “Is that okay, for me and Violet to stay in a nearby cabin? Or would you rather someone else—maybe a female?—watch over you and we only come for lessons?”

He needed to stay close, and yet, he knew Percy needed to have some sort of say in the matter. If she said no, he’d have to work out a plan with Bram.

She replied, “I don’t care. As long as I get some dragon lessons, that’s all that matters.”

He nodded. “I’ll have some books sent over tonight so you can get started. I’ll have to wait for Dr. Sid to clear you before you can do more than learn information. But once she does, then we’ll really start your lessons and work on coaxing out your dragon and training her. Okay?”

She lifted one shoulder.

He gently turned Violet toward the door. “Then let’s go, and we’ll send the nurse in to take a look at you.”

Percy grunted and stared at her toes, as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

She was most definitely a puzzle he wanted to crack. Still, he didn’t want to overwhelm her.

Once they went to the kitchen and sent the nurse to Percy’s room, Melanie and Tristan left with Violet in tow.

When alone with Bronx, the clan leader said, “She doesn’t even know what’s coming, if she follows the same pathway as Sid or Killian.”

Killian was an Irish dragon-shifter whose dragon had gone silent because of too many drugs. He’d ended up with one of the first recorded two-headed inner dragons as a result. Sid had also had a silent dragon because of too many drugs, and she had nearly gone insane before her beast burst forth and made her life difficult. If not for Sid finding her true mate in Dr. Gregor Innes, Bronx had no idea what would’ve happened to her.

He was going to do his bloody best to use all the knowledge he could gather from others and ensure Percy could at least get her dragon back. Bronx replied, “We’ll find out soon enough. Giving her the cabin and even some resources will help some, I think. She knows nothing about dragon-shifters, Bram. Almost nothing. Her whole life has been filled with lies.”

Bram grimaced. “Aye, I’ve been learning that from what the Protectors discovered inside that facility. We’re also looking into this orphanage, to see if it still exists. Once we know more, I’ll share it with you.”

Bronx nodded. “The more I know, the better plan I can craft. Although, I already fucking hate what I’ve learned.”

Bram rubbed a hand over his face. “Aye, it’s bloody awful. I think when we were focusing on taking down the Dragon Knights, the dragon hunters quietly amped-up their secret projects. I’m hoping Lucien and Nate can break the encryption on the computers and learn the full truth.”

The two males were in charge of IT stuff for the Protectors.

Bronx said, “They’ll also ask Arabella if they need more help.”

Arabella MacLeod, Tristan’s sister, was good with computers and had mated the Scottish dragon clan leader of Lochguard. They still relied on her sometimes to help the clan. She had also experienced troubles with her inner dragon due to trauma, and Bronx might have to ask her for help too.

Bram sighed. “Aye, and Finn will make sure I’m grateful enough for it.” He sobered. “At any rate, thanks in advance to you and Violet. I thought it best not to overwhelm her with a single male. Besides, Violet has a way about her that makes people smile, and even from that brief encounter, I can tell Percy needs it.” He gripped Bronx’s shoulder, squeezed, and released it. “Since Dr. Rossi postponed the meeting until tomorrow, I need to go back to Ava. Evie has her in hand, but with her dad still in Ireland and recently losing her mum, she’s struggling a bit. Keep me informed of what’s going on and don’t hesitate to ask for what you need.”

With a nod, Bram left, and Bronx finally let out a long sigh as he ran his hands through his hair. It was going to be a long night, especially since he had so much to look up and to ask Dr. Rossi about. Even without the conference video meeting, she always took his calls or answered his emails. He would have plenty to ask in the coming days, no doubt.

As he left the cabin and headed back toward Stonefire so he could pack and collect his daughter, Bronx made a list of everything he’d need to cover with the female. He refused to miss an important detail, make her struggle or give up, and fail her. Even though it couldn’t make up for his past, he wouldn’t fail Percy if he could help it. She would befriend her dragon and shift one day, if it was the last thing he ever did.


Even though Percy’s whole body sagged with exhaustion once she was alone again, she couldn’t sleep.

And not just because she kept eyeing the books on the side table, ones she could barely make sense of. She remembered easy words, but there were complicated ones that a twelve-year-old never would’ve known. Yes, she might’ve heard them at some point over the last eight years, but English pronunciations didn’t always make sense.

Sighing, she stared back up at the ceiling.Dragon, where are you? Will you come out?


Not that she’d expected anything else. Sometimes, when she’d come close to showing emotion when she shouldn’t have, Percy had talked inside her head to her dragon as if she were still there. But while that had been for comfort, maybe now that she was free of the facility and all their tests, just regular talking would help bring out her beast.

The nurse had explained how she’d been given a drug for years to keep her inner dragon silent, and now without it, her dragon might burst through at any moment. However, no one knew what would happen if she did. If Percy’s beast was out of control, they’d have to silence her again.
