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Violet answered, “He’s outside. This room isn’t that big, and he wanted to give you some space.”

Guilt pricked her conscience at how she’d acted toward him. However, she ignored it. She couldn’t be reliant on anyone. That was a lesson she’d learned even as a child.

Although if Bronx were here, she’d probably have the courage to ask Killian questions. After all, Bronx had always protected her and given her everything she’d ever asked for since the night of her breakdown, without ever pushing her.

No one else had ever done that before.

Stop it, Percy. You don’t need him. Rely on yourself, like always.

She kept her spot on the far side of the room and hugged her upper torso. She finally said, “I don’t even know what to ask.”

Killian tapped his hands against his thighs. “Well, I had amnesia from all the drugs and couldn’t remember anything beyond waking up with the silent dragon. Has that ever happened to you?”

She shook her head. “No. I always remembered who and where I was.” She bit her bottom lip and then asked, “How did you get your dragon back?”

The corners of his mouth kicked up. “Dragons. The first one was a baby, or young one, as he preferred to be called. I’d had dreams about him, and then I kissed a female everyone thought to be my true mate. I fell unconscious and woke up with him there.”

She darted a glance to Brenna. “Her?”

Brenna snorted. “If only it’d been that easy. He did eventually trigger a mate-claim frenzy with me, but not until later. Except, once his second dragon emerged, it faded away. My dragon said he was a different person.” She laughed. “Our past history is complicated.”

Killian nodded. “And the second dragon came after Brenna’s dragon recognized me as her true mate, once I’d started to remember my old life. Between my memories rushing back and two dragons, it was overwhelming.” He moved to put an arm around Brenna’s shoulders and hugged her close. “Although I have my mate and son now. And I’ve learned to live with two dragons in my head.”

Brenna spoke up. “His situation is unique. I know that. But more than that, he knows what it’s like to be held prisoner and given drugs against his will. They even removed Killian’s tattoo, as if to signal he wasn’t a dragon-shifter any longer.” She pointed to the barely there pink outline on Killian’s opposite arm. Then she pushed up the sleeve of the other arm to his shoulder, revealing an intricate black one. “But him picking out a new one helped him feel more himself.”

Killian added, “And I know just spilling your secrets to a stranger isn’t easy. But Brenna and I will be here for a few weeks, if you want to chat. I can’t compare to being imprisoned as long as you, lass, but I do understand a little about trying to fit into the world again, especially when you’re a dragon-shifter without a dragon.”

She wanted to shout that she had a light in her head, which had become a dragon, and ask Killian’s advice. However, that meant revealing what had happened with her beast. And she didn’t want to share that with anyone, not until she could talk freely and control her.

The light flashed in head, as if trying to say something, but she ignored it. “Thank you. But it’s more important for me to learn about being a dragon-shifter than to talk about the past.”

Killian’s gaze bored into hers, as if trying to determine what—if any—progress she’d made with her beast. Then he shrugged. “We’ll be on Stonefire for a while, visiting Brenna’s family, so the offer stands.”

Percy moved from the doorway and to the opposite wall from Killian and Brenna. “Thank you. But I really need to get back to my studies.”

Brenna smiled at her. “Of course. And if you ever want a dragon-shifter female to chat to, one who’s maybe a bit older than Violet, I’m here.”

Violet sighed. “I’m not that young.”

Bronx’s voice filled the room. “But not yet an adult.” He walked in partway but kept his distance from Percy. “Brenna, it’s been too long. And, Killian, nice to see you outside of video conferences about rescues.”

Killian shook Bronx’s hand. The whole thing was so…normal.No hesitations. No shuffling away from each other. Just two males making small talk and being friendly.

Brenna slipped away from her mate and approached Percy, although she stopped a few feet away. She said, “Some of us females are having a girls’ night in a few days. You’re welcome to join us, if you like. It’ll be at Kai and Jane’s house, although Kai won’t be around. Jane’s kicking him out for the evening. I know being around people can be overwhelming, but you can say as little or as much as you want and can leave at any time. It just might be nice to get out of this cabin.”

She blurted, “Will Bram allow it?”

Brenna bobbed her head. “Yes, I wouldn’t have asked otherwise. And any of us can come fetch you and then bring you back, when you’re ready.” She paused and then whispered, “It might be nice to get away from any males or kids for a bit.”

She should say no. She didn’t need to go. And yet the thought of being invited to anything, to actually having fun—did she even know what that was?—was bloody tempting.

The light in her head blared brightly for a few beats before returning to its normal glow, almost as if her dragon wanted her to go.

Well, she did need practice at being around people. Before she could change her mind, she murmured, “Okay. But I don’t know how long I’ll stay.”

Brenna clapped her hands. “Brilliant! We’ll work out who’ll fetch you. And I’ll make sure you get any sort of clothing you want, to treat yourself. It’s going to be fun. Just wait and see, Percy.”

She eyed Brenna cautiously. “Why are you so excited? I’m a stranger. You don’t know me.”
