Page 40 of Cyprus's Truth

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“Yes, Ernesto is my cousin,” Mateo confirms and looks directly at me. “And so is Noelle.”

“Say that again.”

There’s no way Noelle’s related to this man.

“I’ve had it confirmed.” Mateo reaches his hand out once again, and one of his men hands him a file. “Ernesto had gotten a bit of her hair for me, and I ran a DNA test after seeing a picture of her. She looks so much like my aunt at their age.”

“If she were your cousin, then how did you not know what happened to her?” I question and take a sheet of paper he hands over. Sure enough, it’s a confirmed DNA test.


“Myabuelodisowned Noelle’s mother when she ran off and married. However, myabuelamade sure she had enough to survive on if needed. She wasn’t going to leave her child without something,” Mateo explains. “Mypapálost track of his sister not long after that. No one knew what had happened. Not until recently, when Ernesto brought his suspicions to light. I know of the will. I also know who is responsible for the death of my aunt and her husband. Along with who was behind the drive-by that took Noah’s life.”

“If you’re going to try and take Noelle from me, you’ll have to kill me first,” I grind out through clenched teeth. The information he’s just provided circles around in my head.

“I don’t want anything more than for her to finally be free of the nightmare she’s been living through.” Mateo waves a hand nonchalantly. “I know my reputation, and it’s all true. I have no problem getting bloody. But only when it’s needed of me.”

“Then why don’t you take out Hector without us?” Stoney remarks, sitting forward, elbow braced on the table and finger pressing against his lip.

“Because Hector is planning to kill two birds with one stone,” Ernesto answers and goes on to explain what Hector told him of his plan. About how he intends to kill Mateo and come after Noelle all at the same time.

“He thinks I’m not due to be here until the day after tomorrow, but I flew in early after Ernesto reported in,” Mateo says, his lip curling in disgust.

Ernesto clears his throat and looks at me. “Hector took the two worthless imbeciles who claimed to be Noelle’s parents. He also had your mother.”

“What do you mean had?” I demand, furrowing my brow.

“After she showed up at your house.” I stiffen at his mention of where I live. “Yes, I know where you live. I was the one driving past several times. Anyway, he slit the bastard’s throat and handed both women to his men to enjoy. I’ll spare you the details and just say those men all but tore them open with what they did to both. The last time I saw either of them, they were still being raped.”

Nausea coils in my stomach. I don’t know whether to think of it being karma getting its way and letting it be, or if I should try and save her. I mean, the woman is my mother. But still, knowing what hand she played in everything, I’m not sure I can. In fact, I know I can let the bitch get what she deserves. She made her bed, and she can lay in the fucked-up situation she’s created for herself.

My phone in my pocket beeps, getting my attention. Everyone knows we’re in a meet and not to bother any of us until we’re done. That is, unless it’s an emergency. Frowning, I glance to the others and find them also pulling their phones out. I unlock the screen and curse at the message and picture displayed.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get the sight of mutilated bodies out of my brain. Nor the words attached claiming that Hector was now going after what is his and Noelle would be back where she belonged.

“Fuck.” I jump to my feet and shove the phone back in my pocket at the same time as the others.

Mateo sensing our moods also stands. “Anything I can help with?”

“If you want a hand in killing that motherfucker, then follow us,” Stoney growls, nearly sounding animalist.

I block out anything else being said and rush for my bike. I don’t know how Hector got all of our numbers, but I’ll be finding out. I’ll also make sure he eats my bullet after I make him feel the pain of what he’s done to my woman.



I used to dream of a life where there was nothing but happiness. It was everything I ever wanted. That and a princess who would protect me from the monsters who go bump in the night.

Unfortunately, that dream is only hope. Hope I will never know. I want nothing more than to be able to wish away the fear building in my chest, but there’s no way to make that happen.

Not when the true monsters are invading reality.

Standing just inside the clubhouse is the one I fear the most, Hector, and with him, several of his men.

Hector scans the room, a sinister grin plastered to his face. When his eyes lock on me, that grin turns to a full-blown malicious smile that he gets when he’s going to hurt me.

“Mi dulce bebé,” he says, stepping forward. “You have become a headache of sorts the last couple of days.” Hector takes another step only to come to a stop when Harlow and Raven block his pursuit.
