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Meghan’s eyes shifted left and right before answering. “By taking turns blowing them before we even got out of bed.”

I should’ve been even more shocked, but I wasn’t. Being shy or holding back were two moves definitely not in my friend’s playbook.

“We kept at it all weekend too,” she said wistfully. “We’d ski all day. Screw our brains out all night. By the last day we skipped the slopes altogether. The three of us just stayed in the cabin, where they tag-teamed me mercilessly, trading me back and forth between them.”

“Trading you…” I repeated numbly.

“Um-hmm. That’s when they weren’t doing me at the same time, mind you. Or when I wasn’t doing stuff to them.”

“My God.”

“That’s exactly whatIsaid,” Meghan leaned back in satisfaction. “But trust me, by the time we left? I could barely even stand, let alone walk.”

I shook my head slowly, reverently, remaining utterly silent. Letting the whole thing sink in.

“TMI?” Meghan inquired.

“N—No, not at all. I mean…”

She broke out laughing again. “That’s what I love about you, Quinn. I can tell you anything. Even something freaky like this.”

My friend lifted her drink to salute me. As the ice in her glass rattled around, her eyes narrowed.

“Does it all sound too slutty?” she asked hesitantly. “You can tell me.”

Yes. No. Maybe.

I have no fucking idea.

“I dunno,” I finally answered. “Two hot guys taking turns serving you all weekend?”

Meghan shrugged. “Well, I served them too, of course.”

I allowed my look of utter disbelief to finally break into a big, wide grin.

“It sounds pretty baller, actually.”



I found them in the living room, all three of them still up. Watching something on the big screen television, but not really watching it.

“You missed your shift,” Cole said bitterly.

It was the first time I’d done something without telling them where I was going. Normally one of them would be there wherever I went, especially after dark. It felt strangely liberating though, shutting down my phone and going somewhere all on my own.

“Yeah, well I had a date.”

All three of them bolted upright from their couch spots. It happened so fast, I actually laughed.

“With my friend Meghan.”

I watched as their worried expressions faded instantly away. I wondered how much of that worry was due to where I’d been, and how much of it was for the ‘date’ part.

“Quinn, listen—”
