Page 6 of Simeon's Beloved

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"I've asked around discretely, and there just isn't much call for a man like me. I think I may be stuck with Rose Wines if I want to stay in the wine business."

Hunter felt like he was sharing too much but talking to Simeon was so easy, and he listened. Hunter hadn't experienced someone actually listening to him for quite some time. It pained him to admit that his skills in the wine business were perceived as all paperwork and no actual wine-making. Marketers were a dime a dozen; product and development were sought after; true vintners were sought after.

He had no track record. His father and brother made sure of that. Hunter decided that there had been enough talk about him, and it was time to make things lighter or get Simeon to talk about himself more.

He'd shared a particularly sad commentary on his family life, but who was Hunter to judge. His life was no better. He just refused to leave . . . until now; he was ready to leave now. He would find something, anything because he was not going back to the Rose Winery.

“Are you free tomorrow?” Simeon asked abruptly.

"I could be, I suppose." Hunter wasn't sure what he was getting into, but if it involved this handsome man, he wasn't going to be coy. Simeon was the most gorgeous man Hunter had ever laid eyes upon, and although George was probably right and the interest was situational at best, he would gladly be Simeon's one-night stand or brief conference affair.

"I'm head of security for Cabot Wines on the Old Mission Peninsula, and I'd like to take you for a tour to let you get a feel for another winery, something I imagine quite different from your Central Valley partners."

The offer came out of left field, and Hunter was struck silent for a few seconds as he searched Simeon's face for deception. The strong hand that held his tightened and the confidence and safety he felt with that embrace made no sense, but he enjoyed it all the same.

"Are you serious? Can you do that? I would be so grateful if you could?" Hunter was rambling with excitement, and Simeon was smiling, and it was genuine, not an ounce of guile. He was pleased that Hunter was excited. This day apart from the near death on the stairs and the loss of the Pinot Noir was one of the best he'd had in years. Maybe his luck and his appeal were improving.

He doubted it, but it was a nice thought, for as much as he admired the man in front of him, he had no illusions of there being a real connection. This was situational, and that was okay as long as he was the one to benefit from Simeon's attention. His good mood suddenly took a turn when George walked into the Black Dog and started toward their table. He could not even imagine what that man might say, but he was horrified to find out.

He watched Simeon turn his head and give George a look that was both deadly and daring, and in that instant, George stopped abruptly and turned away, heading to the bar instead of their table. When Simeon turned back to look at Hunter, his expression was kindness and warmth. It was literal night and day, and George was not going to press his luck, apparently.

"I thought he was on his way over here," Hunter commented.

"He thought better of it." That statement brought Hunter to laugh, loving that George was being taken down a notch or two at every turn. He would pay for it once they returned to California if he returned rather, but right now Hunter was reveling. Simeon stood and extended his hand to Hunter. "Let's go somewhere more private." Hunter took his hand and stood up.

"How about my room? I don't want to be presumptive, but it is comfortable." Hunter offered, and Simeon, still holding his hand, smiled and started for the door.

“Sounds like a great idea.” He said as they left the bar and headed for the elevators. Hunter was on fire with anticipation, and they could not get to his room fast enough. The elevator took forever, but at least he had the vision of this man to distract him from the wait. Simeon, what did he do to deserve the attention of such a man? He continued to hold Hunter's hand throughout, which Hunter found exciting and helped build his already growing expectations.

The elevator stopped on his floor, and they stepped out, and Hunter's heart rate began to speed up. He hoped he wasn't overthinking this or misreading the signs. "Here's the key card." He handed it to Simeon, who took it and, after checking the room number, hurried with Hunter in tow down the hallway to the door near the end.

He didn't have one of the better rooms since he waited to book, but it was a nice functional room with a view of the main street. It also had a large King bed with plush pillows and bedding. It was going to be a lovely night.

Simeon opened the door and, once inside, closed, locked, and secured the door. He then pulled Hunter in for a kiss so devastating that he thought he might pass out from sheer sensory overload. The man kissed like he really meant it.


Simeon couldn't get to the room fast enough. The moment Hunter invited him, he focused on nothing other than getting the pretty man to this space and devouring him. He closed the door and pulled him in for their first kiss, and it was as spectacular as he'd anticipated. Hunter was his perfect match, so different and yet everything Simeon wanted and needed in this world and the next.

Such a feeling, this connection of souls so deep and so certain it was the relationship he never knew he was missing and now would never let go. He kissed him hard and plunged deep inside as Hunter opened for him, welcoming the sensations new and bold. He walked him back into the room, steering toward the King bed in the center of the room. It looked inviting, and Simeon could almost feel the comfort and titillation that was to come.

He pulled back and looked down into those warm, loving eyes and could not imagine ever losing him. Hunter seemed eager and expectant, and Simeon would not disappoint. "Will you be mine, Hunter?" He wasn't sure how to phrase it without giving away too much of what was to come, but he had to be honest. Hunter belonged to him from the moment he landed in his arms.

His body felt so comfortable as he held him, fitting against him like they were made for each other, just as Fate designed. His was so small, and his body soft and yielding, and that vulnerable look that was a constant drew Simeon in like a moth to a flame, and he would not deny it. They were stark opposites, but that's what made life so interesting and Fate so surprising.

His man was delicate but not defenseless his aura and his determination to pursue his own ambitions indicate a strong and focused individual. He was presently struggling with family and all the emotions and responsibilities that go with such a relationship, but Simeon was confident he would find his own bearings.

George was frightened off with a look, but he would be back as soon as he thought Hunter was alone. Simeon would make sure whatever he had against Hunter or whatever orders he was working under would be dealt with before he was ever close to Hunter again.

His beloved had trouble surrounding him, but Simeon was adamant that no troubles or difficulties or the petty issues of others would touch his beloved. For now, he would put the world aside and focus on the beautiful body that lay before him. It was an offering of sensual delights which Simeon planned to thoroughly indulge.

"I'm yours, Simeon." With those words spoken so fervently and clearly, Simeon picked his beloved up in his arms and carried him the remaining distance to the bed, and sat him down on the edge. Simeon kneeled before him and, while maintaining his gaze, slipped off one of his boots and then the other. Slowly he took his socks and removed them gradually, baring his slender feet. Simeon held them one and then the other rubbing them and massaging the tense muscles. His feet were as slender and elegant as his hands. The man was a work of art.

He then stood and gently pushed Hunter to his back, lying him out on the bed, and concentrated on the button and clasp at the waist of his fine-fitting black pants. Simeon found himself getting excited at the prospect of seeing the body beneath those pants and, without further thought, quickly removed the garment. Hunter suddenly moaned and shifted his hips in a way that had Simeon rock-hard and his heart racing for satisfaction. Hunter's hard erection was perfectly outlined beneath the smooth fabric of his briefs. It was a sight to behold.

"Soon, baby, soon," Simeon said to Hunter but was also calming himself down so that things didn't end too soon. His vampire instincts were clamoring for a taste and to mark this man as their own. He felt his teeth lengthen, and he knew his eyes were blood red, so he turned his focus to completing the job at hand, and gradually, his vampire receded just enough that he would not scare Hunter.

"Your hands feel so good. Please touch me." Hunter's request was immediately granted. Simeon removed Hunter's briefs exposing him nearly completely, and with a deft hand, Simeon pushed the light sweater up and off, baring that beautiful body to Simeon's hands.
