Page 4 of Steel's Magnolia

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Iwince when I smack my finger with a damn hammer when my phone rings. Resisting the urge to suck on it, I pick up my phone and answer with a growl.


Cody’s voice chuckles on the other end of the line. “Well, you sure sound chipper as hell. What’s going on with you?”

“I rode Rusty out here to take a look at that fence that I thought I saw the other day and it needed repaired. I was swinging the hammer and nailed my finger.”

“Ouch! I’m sorry to hear that. Are you alright?” My brows scrunch together. I’m still not used to someone caring about what happens to me. I mean, yeah, my mom does but she’s a little flaky sometimes and forgets she has kids. The little things can escape her. After my dad died, she just kinda faded away. I can still see when she’s thinking about him and the sadness in her eyes makes me want to cry. I know she loved him. I know how much he loved her.

And that’s why I can never love any woman. Look at what love did to my mom. Took her heart and soul the day he died. I won’t do that to anyone. I love the ladies but that’s as far as it’s gonna go. It’s kinda of an impasse since I won’t be with a woman until it’s the right woman and I’m not sure I want the right woman.

“Hey! Are you there?” I yank my thoughts back in line and grunt.

“Yeah, I’m here. What’s up?” I throw the hammer back in the saddlebags.

“You need to get back here. You’ve got company.”

I groan. “Is that today? I’m not quite done here.”

“You know…for a guy that was okay with this, you’ve sure been trying your best to get out of it. It’s only for a week. And you might like her.”

I grunt an acknowledgement. “I’m sure I will. But that’s as far as this goes, you know. I don’t put out for just anybody. Not even you.”

He snorts. “Har de har. You are a laugh riot. Just come on back and meet her,” he wheedles.

“Give me half an hour to get my things and get back.”

“Don’t you want to go get cleaned up?”

“She bought a cowboy. She might as well learn what it’s like right up- front.”

“She didn’t buy you. Her mother did. She’s a nice lady. Don’t try and scare her, Steel,” he warns.

“I wouldn’t do that. I will be my usually charming self.”

“That’s what scares me,” he scoffs.

I huff and hang up the phone. Most bosses might find that offensive but Cody’s a special son of a bitch. This place is like family to me. And he’s the father figure that some of us really need to guide us. Even though some of us are older than he is.

I’m actually only a few months shy of his forty years. It’s been a long time since I actually felt like I was a part of a real family. Iron H is as close as I’ve gotten.

I shove my few tools in the saddlebag and pick up my rope, slinging it across my saddle horn. Then I smirk at Rusty as he decides to torture me a little for letting him stand so long while I puttered around with something stupid. At least as far as he’s concerned.

He dances on his hooves, flashing me dark look. His snorts make me laugh. I pull the reins in and run a hand down his head, cupping his velvety muzzle in my big hands. He could take a bite out of me and when he first got here, he sure as hell did. Hurt like the devil but I didn’t blame him for it. This guy went through hell the last place he called home. He’s still got the scars on his dapple gray back to prove his harsh story.

But he’s all healed up and full of piss and vinegar. And he likes to make me work for it sometimes.

I chuckle and run my hand up to tug at his white forelock. “Come on, man. Let’s get home.”

He snorts and dips his head up and down and I chuckle and then hop into the saddle, seating myself carefully. My sore hip is bothering me today and I wince when I think about why it’s sore. I push that shit right out of my head. Doesn’t do any good to think about it. It’s over and done and I can’t do anything about it now. Just have to take care of my family the best that I can.

Rusty settles into a smooth canter that I move easily to, enjoying the feel of being one with the horse.

Before I’m ready, I get back to the ranch house and see a bunch of guys milling around the corral.
