Page 77 of Sacrilege

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When I couldn’t hold back any longer, I slid my hand between us and pressed my fingers to her clit as I slammed into her.

“Fuck, Nate.”

My name on her lips was my undoing.

Her legs shook against my hips and her pussy clenched around me, her release triggering my own.

I took her two more times, once on the couch, and once pressed against the window overlooking the airport runway before we both fell into the bed. Neither of us was completely sated, evident by the fact at any given moment, at least one part of our bodies were touching.

Eden sighed and snuggled into my chest, running her fingers across the Latin words etched on my ribs.

“De profundis; from the depths,” she whispered absentmindedly. “You had it in you all along.”

My brow furrowed. I’d gotten those words when Maggie freed me from my father’s den of sin. They were a reminder that I was able to claw my way out of a shitty situation and find something to believe in. They were a lifeline, one I held onto as a shield, but I never let it penetrate more than skin deep.

Now they were just words.

I didn’t need the reminder inked in my flesh.

Eden challenged me to look deeper and find a way to reconcile who I was with the man I wanted to be. Then she walked away.

It was the single greatest thing she could have done for me. Now that I was done finding myself, it was time to find her, and get lost in everything we could be.

“I heard your song,” I whispered.

She buried her nose into my pec and mumbled, “It was about you.”

“I know. I listened to it on repeat for the last twelve months. Your version, not the remixed one by what’s-her-name.”

Her head tilted back and she peeked up at me, her brows raised. “You did?”

Her voice quivered, astonished by my admission.

I nodded.

When I’d learned she was a songwriter, I’d been intrigued. Where my words were more akin to raw poetry, hers were raw and emotional lyrics, tangled with the heartbeat of music. The song she’d composed was the perfect blend of every sentiment we’d felt that first night. I was blown away by her talent.

My fingers traced across the flesh of her hips and ribs until I reached her breast and skirted around the tight bud of her nipple, never quite giving her the stimulation her body craved. She bucked her hips forward and brushed her thigh against my dick, which was all ready for our next round.

She rested her head on my chest again and let out a perfect little mewl, but didn’t say anything more.

If I had to guess, she was thinking about the job offer. I was thinking about the job offer.

I smoothed my hand down her hair and resisted tangling my fingers in it. “I read the article about you after Campus Records purchased the rights.”

Eden froze in my arms for a moment before pushing herself up. She wrapped the blanket around her torso, hiding herself away from me.

“You know about the job.”

“I do.”

“I… it doesn’t matter.” She shook her head, and even though her face radiated her usual confidence, her voice betrayed her. “I’m happy at Our Lady.”

“Eden, you and I both know you are only at Our Lady for the connections. This is your big break. You don’t need a piece of paper to prove your worth.”

Her head dropped to her chest and her voice came out barely more than a whisper. “But I need you.”

Oh, my sweet Firefly.
