Page 94 of The SongBird's Love

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“Hm... That code is full of errors, there are more holes than on my piece of Gruyère...”

“Should be a piece of cake for you to grab, no?”

She could already hear Loir furiously typing on his keyboard.

“Yes, yes... What do you want? I can’t just build a back door, Kitty.”

“Did you actually find the door I came through? I guess it wasn’t the toboggan slide...”

“Still looking, but you may have closed it without knowing. I think the Core’s builders may have come up with one-way entries and different exits now. Do you think they get offended when we get in and out so quickly?”

“Probably. Still, it doesn’t change the problem. You’re going to have to find me an exit... but I need you to win me time first. I need a break.”

“Kitty’s tired, Kitty needs a nap... Kitty’s going to purr when she gets back on your lap...”

“Loir, shut up.”

Eden sighed and let herself slide down against the wall of the cabin to take a break.

“...Are you alright?”

Dante’s voice took her by surprise. Eden hesitated, but she slowly nodded, a dash of pink covering her cheeks and ears again. At least, she hoped the darkness of the cabin hid her enough...

“Y-yeah,” she mumbled.

“Kitty’s the best Dive Hacker around,” chuckled Loir. “I mean... aside from Ghost.”


From the tone of his voice, Eden could tell Dante definitely didn’t buy that. Loir was just having too much fun...

“...Is it because of her legs?”

“Ooooh, you’re smarter than you look, Sugar Daddy! I mean, smart is the new sexy, but you look too sexy to... Oh, well, you got me.”


Eden couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She was trapped in a cabin during a Dive, with fifty or so bots waiting outside the fence to kill her, and they were just... flirting? She added that to the things she’d have to kick Loir for, along with the pink cat attire and his not-so-subtle remarks about Ghost.

“Technically, Kitty’s SIN sends information about her legs to the brain, but since the brain has no legs to transmit the info to, no problem! Isn’t it great? No legs, no pain. Our Kitty has god-like legs... or cute, pink, furry paws. No pain, no fatigue, not even the smallest ankle twist! Oh, I should make you a centaur next time–a unicorn! Damn, I should have been a character designer. I bet I would have become a billionaire...”

“Loir...” grimaced Eden, tired already.

“Yeah, yeah... Oh, look! There we go.”

Eden frowned and got back up to look out the window. Loir was indeed working to win her some time. Now, the fence was electrified. Each time one of those stupid bots bounced off it, they were fried a bit, and some were actually too burnt to get back up... They were literally melting on the ground.

“Gross,” she said.

“A ‘thanks’ would have been nice,” retorted Loir. “Now, now, about our next issue... Do you have a favorite car?”

Eden rolled her eyes, and instead of answering, grabbed the chair to slam it violently against the ride’s panel. The machine made a horrible sound, as smoke started coming out of it.

“Oh, thanks, Kitty. That makes it a lot easier...”

Eden finished destroying the control console and left the cabin. Now that Loir was efficiently keeping her pursuers out, the only issue was that Eden was trapped inside. She looked around.

“Where’s that car, Loir?”
