Page 3 of Securing His Heart

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I don’t remember the last time I’ve wanted to run and hide from anything. Margot is the only woman who can throw me off, but it’s in the best of ways. My heart starts pounding inside my chest; it’s the way it always is between us.

What if I fail her too? What will that cost me?

Way too fucking much is what.

Fuck. I can’t even trust myself with my wife, the love of my life, the other half of my soul.

“Come on, my colossus,” she winks at me, “grab your coffee. We got places to be.”

“Where are we going?” My voice sounds skeptical even as I stand and do her bidding, the travel mug making a little more sense now, especially combined with the knowing look on Alice’s face.

Margot leans toward me slightly, dropping her voice as if she has a secret, a wicked smile curling on her perfect lips, ones I love to kiss even though I don’t deserve to, “I’m kidnapping you.” She scrunches up her face. “I guess abduct would be a better word.” She bats her eyes at me, “Are you coming willingly, or do I need to get some muscle to back me up?”

I hold my hands up in surrender and find myself smiling slightly. “I’ll go willingly, little flower.”

Her eyes light up as she grabs my hand and tugs. I follow her, both of us knowing if I wanted to dig my heels in that she wouldn’t be able to move me at all. I’ll follow my wife anywhere she wants to go; it’s been that way from the moment we met, and I don’t see it changing anytime soon.

Everett calls after us, “Don’t worry, boss man, we got it covered here.”

When I glance over my shoulder, Alice is leaning against him, a smile on her face. I notice the rest of the guys—Duncan, Ryder, Grayson, and Sebastian—standing outside of their offices with big smiles on their faces as they wave goodbye. They must have all been in on my little flower’s ruse.

I wonder what she has planned for me.



I could feel Blake’s curiosity when I led him out of the HS offices and to the car, already packed for the weekend. It wasn’t hard to put this plan into place. I only had to call a few members of the family and then it all came together in a matter of hours. Yes, it’s what this family does, but it’s more than that.

Everyone in this family would do anything for Blake. They all love him. They have seen how he has beat himself up over River and her stalker, over Johnny. I understand it and his pain, but it needs to end.

He’s been quiet and reserved. I don’t doubt his love for me, but what I am doubting is his love for himself. It’s not acceptable. I will not stand for it to go on any longer.

Blake’s large hand lands on my thigh and I startle, which is not good considering I’m driving. I know the fact that he’s not behind the wheel is probably making him a little twitchy right now, but this is the way it must be. How else can I surprise him?

“Where are we going, little flower?”

Oh my. The deep rumble of my husband’s voice, rivaling the car’s engine, might as well be a vibrator to my clit right now. Everything in me screams to pull the car over and climb into my husband’s lap, but I resist the temptation.

He’s not going to distract me with orgasms. It’s one of the means he’s used to dissuade me from confronting this problem head on, allowing him to stew for so long instead. I shouldn’t have let it continue this long, but it ends now.

I glance at my husband out of the corner of my eye to find one side of his mouth tipped up. Considering the route, he knows where we’re going. He’s a smart man and I’m sure he’s figured it out by now.

I tease him, “You don’t know?”

“I have my suspicions,” there’s a growl in his voice as he rubs his hand up and down my thigh, making tingles shoot through my entire body.

No. Bad body. We will not be distracted.

We’re doing this for him because he can’t continue to beat himself up over something that isn’t his fault.

I make a humming sound and focus on the road. It doesn’t take long before we’re pulling up to the cabin that I bought Blake for our first Christmas together. Okay, cabin might be underselling things a little. It’s more of a mountain mansion, but we have a large family, and I didn’t buy it just for my husband. I bought it knowing we could use it as an escape for the entire family.

It’s been a way for us all to get away, as individual couples and with all of us together.

My husband sounds wary, “Why are we all the way out here?”

“Where better to hide a body?”
