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JK wasn’t sure at all. What her body wanted and what her mind wanted were entirely different. JK’s body was responding to Tabitha and Tabitha was clearly noticing that. JK had never been able to hide her feelings very well, and Tabitha was… Well, she was divine. Her pale skin was set off perfectly by her dark mussed hair and bright green eyes. Her nipples were showing through her crop top and that drove JK wild.

Tabitha was right about one thing—JK wanted her. But JK hadn’t lied, either. She didn’t want to start something with Tabitha that she knew would be doomed from the start. She wanted more than a fling. She wanted a real relationship, with a grown up woman of a similar age to her and Tabitha couldn’t offer her that, for a number of reasons.

Her body may want Tabitha, but her mind was screaming at her to put the brakes on, and JK was not in the habit of letting her body’s reactions overwhelm logical thought. That’s not how she had survived her time in the military and that’s not how she was going to navigate this, either.

“I am your bodyguard, Tabitha. I think it’s best that we keep things professional between us, nothing more.”

Tabitha wasn’t leaving it at that. “Maybe I could change your mind on that…”

“Bacon and eggs, Ma’am…”

JK sighed in relief as Dan came in, carrying two steaming plates piled high with bacon and scrambled eggs and fresh tomatoes on the vine. Tabitha pulled away from JK to take her plate, though not before Dan saw her practically hanging off JK. To his credit, he didn’t react, putting down their food and leaving with a cheerful, “Enjoy your breakfast!”

“We should eat,” JK said softly.

“Yeah. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us.”

“Is that right?”

“Yeah. I want to go see a movie, then go out to dinner at a fancy restaurant.”

Those sounded safe enough, so JK didn’t protest. “Alright, then. Tell me when you’re ready to go.”

“Aren’t you going to help me pick out what to wear?”

“It’s just a movie and dinner, Tab. You can wear whatever you want. Besides, I’m sure you know much better than me in matters of fashion.”

“It’s not just dinner, it’ll be dinner at the most exclusive restaurant around. I’d like your feedback.”

It was on the tip of JK’s tongue to tell Tabitha that she should just ask Alice for fashion advice, but Tabitha looked so hopeful that JK couldn’t bring herself to say no.

“Fine, but if you end up looking ridiculous after taking my advice, that’s on you.”

“I bet I won’t look ridiculous. Give yourself more credit, JK.”

JK sighed. This job was far from easy for very different reasons than one might expect.

JK hoped that Tabitha didn’t dress her in anything too stupid-looking for dinner, but what she was wearing was honestly low on her list of priorities. She cared about keeping Tabitha safe, and the last thing she needed was to have Tabitha decide that JK was the enemy. She needed to stay in Tabitha’s good books and keep her cooperation.

Gray had told JK some stories about bodyguards who had uncooperative clients. It sounded truly awful, and JK had no intention of being one of those cautionary tales. Luckily, Tabitha, despite her high standing, didn’t seem to have a difficult nature.

They finished eating and JK followed Tabitha up to her room. Tabitha’s wardrobe was… intimidating. She had bought half the store yesterday, and that didn’t even come close to comparing to what she’d brought with her.

“I can see why you need help choosing,” JK muttered.

“Exactly! Usually I have three people planning my outfits, but I guess for now, you’ll have to do.”

“I suppose I will. How about that blue dress? That’s pretty.”

“Hm, I’m not sure about that. It’s more of a lunchtime formal dress than an evening formal dress.”

JK had no idea how Tabitha could tell the difference, but she just went with it. “Alright, which ones are the evening formal dresses?”

Tabitha started to pull out dresses… and dresses… and yet more dresses.

“How many evening functions did you intend on going to?” JK couldn’t resist asking.

Tabitha just shrugged. “I like to be prepared for anything.”
