Page 28 of Love Me Like You Do

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Everly bit her lip. “I think so.”

“We’re being thrown together by my eight-year-old daughter. I’d apologize, but I’m not upset about it.”

“Me neither.” Everly breathed in the night air and said, “It’s the perfect night.”

“I think so too,” I said as I dipped her unexpectedly.

“Hey,” Everly said as I pulled her back up. The momentum had her pressed against my body with no space between us. Her breath hitched, and her eyes dilated.

Yeah, it was the perfect night. I didn’t want Wren to return for a few more minutes. I wanted to revel in the feel of Everly in my arms, in this crazy limbo we found ourselves in, hovering somewhere between friends and something more.

I felt like I was on the edge of a cliff, and one step would take me over. It was exhilarating to think of the possibilities when the risks were so great.

Just because we were pretending to be together didn’t mean anything had changed. Everly was still my best friend, and I didn’t want to do anything to ruin that.



My skin tingled everywhere Harrison’s body was pressed against mine while we danced under the twinkling lights. The fire crackled nearby, heating us as we swayed with the occasional dip. Each time, he pulled me into his body so we were touching from chest to thighs.

Was he driving me crazy on purpose? Or was it a natural progression from our arrangement? We’d naturally grown closer while pretending to be a couple. Was he just playing a part, or did he want to hold me in his arms?

We’d danced when he was my “friend date” to senior prom. But there wasn’t this same sense of expectation in the air back then. Now the air was thick with tension and unanswered questions.

Was it too much? Was it crossing an invisible line? Should I talk to him about being more careful? Especially since we needed to think about more than just our feelings. There was Wren and his grandmother to consider.

Before I could broach the subject, Wren was back. Her nose wrinkled. “It’s still playing slow songs.”

She moved to Harrison’s phone, scrolling through the playlist until she found a fast one she liked.

Harrison still held me close as he dipped his head, his lips by my ear. “Thank you for the dance.”

My breath hitched. He’d never looked at me like that before. Like he wanted to devour me. It was exhilarating.

Before I could respond, he let me go and pulled Wren into a silly dance around the patio.

Wren’s laugh trailed behind her. I sat on a nearby chair to watch them together. They were close. Closer than I’d ever been with my dad. But then it was different when you grew up in a two-parent household. One parent is naturally the main caregiver and the other one kind of fades into the background.

I didn’t know why that was. I would think the preferred arrangement was when both parents were equally involved. I wondered if my dad felt like my mom did everything, so he didn’t have to. Did he feel left out? Is that why he looked for someone else? I would never know the answer, and I needed to let it go.

Harrison encouraged me to confront him, but I never had. He was convinced it would be good for me to get my frustrations out. Even if my dad didn’t have any answers for me, it would be cathartic. I wasn’t so sure. I didn’t want to see him happy with his other kids when I wasn’t enough.

Harrison appeared in front of me. “No sad faces.” Then he tugged on my hand, pulled me up, and led me around the patio with them, dancing and singing. I never let go like this. But it was freeing.

Harrison kept his hand in mine as Wren entertained us by singing the lyrics and acting out parts of the movies that went with the songs. I laughed so hard my sides hurt.

Finally, Harrison and I collapsed onto the couch.

“I think it’s time for bed,” Harrison said, pausing the music.

“Mom lets me stay up late.”

From the look on Harrison’s face, I knew he didn’t like that. “It’s better to stay on a schedule and go to bed at the same time each night. You’ll get better sleep and feel more rested for school.

“Go get started on your shower, and I’ll be up in a minute.”

“Can I listen to music on the water speakers?”
