Page 56 of Greed

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“He’s just tired,Bellissima.”

“So am I.” I look over at her and nod before I stand and walk over, placing baby Issac into his crib. I pull his little blanket up over him as I smile. Then I walk back over, grab Delaney, and pull her into my arms.

“You’re tired? Then you’ll sleep.”

“I can’t sleep. I want to watch Isaac and never take my eyes off him,” she says. I smile and press my lips to her forehead.

“Too bad. Everything is fine, and he’s asleep. You will sleep, Delaney.” It’s an order, and she should take it as one.

“I just need to see him,” she argues.

“Come on,” I tell her as I grab her hand and lead her to the bed. I pull the blankets back and usher her in before pulling the blankets back up over her. She sighs and snuggles down into the pillow.

“Will you stay with me?”

“Always, Delaney.” I kick off my shoes and climb on the bed behind her, pulling her into my arms and holding her tightly. She blows out a breath and wiggles around to get comfortable.

“You keep that up, and we’ll have another baby soon,” I tell her. She laughs so sweetly, and it makes my heart melt. She’s everything. Delaney and that baby mean the world to me, and nothing and no one will ever take them from me.

“Did you ever think we’d be here?” she asks me.

“When we were younger, yes. You were everything I could have wanted and more, Delaney. I knew you were going to be mine as soon as I saw you. There was nothing that could stop me from making it happen. I can still remember what you looked like the first time I saw you,” I tell her.

“You couldn’t have known that young. You were a little boy.”

“A little boy who was forced to grow up too quickly. A little boy who always knew what he wanted. You might not have seen it, but I knew.”

“I think you’re crazy,” she tells me with a little giggle. I love it. I love hearing it, and now that there aren’t any threats, I want to hear it more often.

“I am crazy. But I’m your crazy,” I tell her.

“Yes, you are. I just worry, Luka. I worry about Issac.”

“What about him? He’s healthy, and that’s all we could ask for.”

“I mean the future. Do you want him to grow up the way you did?” she asks.

“No. I want him to be better than me. I want him to be something special. He can’t escape this life, none of us can, but he can do more. I’m hoping by the time he’s old enough to even think about taking over; I will have better legal things in place for him. We are who we are, but there is no way I’m raising my son the way I was raised,” I say truthfully.

“Good. I don’t want my son to end up like that.”

“Like me.”

“You know what I mean. You have so much anger and hate in you toward your father. I don’t want that for Issac.”

“I don’t want that either. I want him to be happy. Just like you. I’ve never wanted anything else.”

“I am happy,” she tells me.

“Are you?” Delaney rolls over to face me, cupping my cheek in her hand.

“Yes, I am. I don’t think anyone could make me as happy as you do, Luka. You’ve always put me first, and that’s not something I’m used to.”

“And your father? Have you come to terms with that yet?”

“I think I did months ago before Issac was born. I had to. You didn’t kill him, just like you said you wouldn’t. I don’t hate you if that’s what you’re asking me.”

“I am asking that.”
