Page 26 of A Howl in One

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He quickly moved, grabbing it before she could. Eliana scowled at him. “I’m driving,” he said. “My room number, my cart.”

They all bundled into the cart. He drove, and Eliana sat next to him. Tao sat in the back, his arms resting on their headrests.

Tao was a talker, he discovered. He talked about a lot of things. He mainly spoke about his move to the mainland and how he enjoyed it. Lucas wondered why he was agreeing to be alpha if he loved not living on the island, but he didn’t say anything. He just drove to their first stop.

He learned Eliana sucked at golf. She didn’t have a good stance, and she couldn’t swing. He couldn’t help but laugh.

Tao stood next to her, trying to arrange her arm. The guy was hovering too close. Lucas tightened his grip on his golf club, trying not to swing it at Tao. Accidentally, of course.

“For the love of God, Eliana,” Tao grumbled. “I’ve shown you how to stand eighteen times.”

“Screw you, Tao,” Eliana grumbled back. “You’re a shit teacher.”

“Fine.” Tao turned to him. “Lucas, you show her how to do it.”

His brows rose, glancing from Tao to Eliana. He chuckled. “I don’t think you can teach her.”

Eliana’s mouth dropped. “Hey, I can learn.”

“Can you?” he joked, holding a smirk.

Eliana glared at him. “Well, I doubt you can teach me anyway.”

He snorted, pushing himself off his club, and walked toward her. She held a smirk on her lips, proud of her comment.

He was about to wipe that smirk right off her face. Tao moved as he stepped toward her.

“For one, you need to bend.” He placed his hands on her hips and moved her through the motion. “You are standing like a stick.”

His wolf growled with need. She felt hot against his skin, and it took everything in him not to fuck her.

He wrapped his hands around hers, tightening her hold on her golf club. “And when you swing, you need to loosen up. You are too focused on where you expect it to go.” He leaned closer, wrapping his arms around her, and pulled her arm back. He lined her up to swing and dipped his head into her ear. “Take a deep breath and swing.”

He felt her shoulders relax. And then she swung.

Her butt pressed against his cock, and it took everything in him not to rub against her. He bit hard onto his cheek and inhaled her scent.

It only made things worse. Tao whistled as the ball flew through the air. “Damn, that was good, Eliana.”

Eliana leaned back into him slightly, and he felt her sigh. His arms were still wrapped around her, and neither seemed to move.

He quickly snapped out of it, moving away. “Good job,” he said, looking away.

“See, I can learn,” she teased.

He looked at her, seeing the spark of happiness in her eyes. He wished to see that look every day.

“All right, now to find our balls,” Tao said, going to hop into the cart.

They puttered to the next area, and Lucas found he was enjoying himself. He and Eliana sat in the cart, sipping on their waters, watching Tao prepare to hit his ball.

“You can golf,” she stated, looking at him. “What else are you hiding that I don’t know?”

He snorted, looking at her. “Interested in me?”

She laughed, looking away at Tao. “I think I’m jealous. I was never good at sports. I could cook, clean, and organize things. But sports were never something I was good at.”

He took another drink of his water. “Maybe it was just your teachers.”
