Page 57 of Cowboy Under Siege

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With her body wrapped around Jaren and the engine humming under her, she was soaking wet for the man. She needed to feel him moving with her.

The scorching hot yet fleeting moment on the trail happened hours before. That swift release only left her even more restless. She could still feel his hard legs supporting her while he worked his fingers into her pussy in intense, thorough, mind-blowing plunges.

“Trinny?” Her name broke through the haze gathering in her mind.

Directing her attention to her companion’s handsome face, she lost herself in his stare.

“You okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” she returned.

“We’ve ridden a long distance. Some people get stiff muscles.”

She trapped her lip in her teeth. Oh, she was surehehad a stiff muscle she could rub for him.

Shaking off the thought, she looked to the view and back to Jaren. “Do you have your phone on you?”

“Always.” He narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

“Take a selfie with me with the valley in the background. It’s too beautiful not to capture.”

His stare on her was probing. “Are you sure? Photos are forever.”

“You can delete or crop me out.”

His lips tightened but he didn’t respond to her comment as he pulled out his phone. They turned with their backs to the valley and their bodies pressed tight together. Seeing themselves on the screen this way sent her heart into a little backflip.

He snapped the photo and then hesitated a heartbeat before he pocketed his phone again.

She leaned against the rail that guarded them from the steep drop on the other side and turned her face up to the fading sunshine.

“You look relaxed, Trinny. And…happy.”

Her eyes flew open, and she looked up at Jaren. A shockwave shook her world as she knew it. Relaxed? Happy? How could that be? She was on the run, now in hiding. How could anybody be relaxed and happy under the circumstances?

Yet…Jaren was right.

And she owed it all to him.

She fought to put her emotions into words. “No one wants anything from me here. Nobody expects me to pay off their car loan or fund a trip to the islands. They don’t want help with student loan debt. These people don’t know anything about me and what I have or don’t have. It’s…freeing.”

He nodded. “I get it.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah. I had plenty to run from when I came to Stone Pass too.”

Her eyes widened, but she remained silent, allowing him time to gather his thoughts.

Finally, he spoke, “The congressman’s daughter that was brought up back in the office? My brothers and I were in charge of her protection. She slipped away without us knowing and we…” He cut his fingers through his hair. “Lost her.”

Her stomach twisted. “Lost her? As in…”

He nodded. “Someone got to her. It ruined our company and ruinedusfor a long time. I don’t think my two brothers in Georgia have ever recovered from what happened. Ross has asked them to come on board with the WEST Protection team several times, but they both insist they’ll never get involved in security again.”

Stomach hollow, reality bore down on her. Finally, it all made sense—why Jaren got so upset with himself for leaving her side to break up that fight between ranch hands.

His dark eyes burned into hers. “I got a fresh start in Stone Pass. I was able to leave my past behind and start over. So I understand what you’re saying. Anonymity is freeing.”
