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“You fuck! You did take her when we’re meant to keep low key, you selfish ass.”

Before I had the chance to block him, his fist came swinging in my direction. His knuckles found their target on the side of my face, the sheer force behind his hit sending me reeling backward. Pain radiated through my jaw, igniting a wildfire of fury within me.

“You bastard,” I snarled back, well aware of Bridge’s short temper that could ignite over trivial matters. This time, however, he’d crossed a line too far, and my restraint had worn thin.

Gritting my teeth, I launched myself at him, driving my fist into his stomach with satisfaction. I wanted him to feel the same pain he’d inflicted on me. The impact drove us both into the wall, the dull thud echoing in the hallway. Fists were thrown, grunts and curses, all heightened by the intense cabin fever we’d been suffering from after being cooped up in this damn place for two endless months with no outside contact.

Just as I landed another punch, a commanding voice rang out.


The sudden appearance of Mason sent a jolt through me. His eyes blazed with fury as he stormed over and wrenched us apart. I barely had time to notice the small group of girls who’d apparently been watching the fight play out.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Mason hissed. “In my office now!”

The fierce set of his jaw and the silence that stretched between us promised a dealing with his shit on top of Bridge’s. Just great.

We filed into Mason’s office as he paused momentarily, peering out into the empty hallway, then shutting it, making sure we were truly alone, that no prying eyes remained to witness the storm that was about to break.

He swung toward us, his tall stature looming in the light of the room. His normally calm demeanor was replaced by a fury that had his eyes flooding with an icy glare.

“What the hell was that?” he thundered, his growly voice causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end.

We stood frozen, my anger temporarily eased by the unexpected intensity in Mason’s words, knowing we had made a huge mistake.

His gaze flicked between us, his stern features making it clear that he was far from done dealing with us. The confrontation had just begun.

“Logan fucked Kat,” Bridge snapped, wiping the blood seeping from his busted lip.

“I did no such thing,” I corrected him. “You said that when you went all psycho on me because secretly, you’re jealous, and you’re dying to shove your cock into her cunt.”

Bridge sneered, coming at me when Mason stepped forward, shoving him back.

“Enough. Logan, did you sleep with the girl?”

I shook my head.

“But you did something, didn’t you?” Bridged barked. “I saw the obsessed look in your eyes when you stared at her.”

Mason shrugged, staring at me. “I have to side with Bridge on this one.”

Both of them stared at me like the inquisition. Despite our arguments, we were as close as brothers. We’d had each other’s backs for as long as I could remember, helping each other out while living in a dangerous part of New Orleans, dealing with gangs who wanted us dead, with families who left us. So, one thing we all agreed to was to never lie to one another.

Straightening my shoulders, I said, “There was no sex. I fingered her in the library until she came. That was it.”

“The fuck?!” Mason went off that time, a streak of jealousy flaring over his tight face, too.

Was I a fool to think I’d been the only one to have fallen for the blonde with gorgeous tits and a wicked grin? I narrowed my gaze on Mason, who was shooting daggers at me with his glare.

“I haven’t seen you show any interest in the girls here. Why Kitty Kat?”

Bridge rolled his eyes at my nickname for her.

Mason shrugged, then glanced away as he always did in a conversation when he was about to lie. The guy couldn’t hold a poker face if his life depended on it.

“You dog,” I called out after him across his office. “You’re hot for her.”

Bridge caught on, his angry stare on Mason. “You, too?”
