Page 40 of Priest

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“No biggie.” I shrug. “We’ll pick it up on our way to see Demon and Sofia.”

“What about work?”

“Today is all about you and what you need. Later tonight, when everything’s settled, I’ll get some work done. You’ll have to ply me with sandwiches and coffee, though,” I tease.

“I’ll get us Chinese from Cynthia’s Palace.” He smirks, taking me by the hand.

“You’re on.”

After picking up the letter from the compound, we go to meet up with Demon and Sofia. We’re greeted at the door by Demon and a mini Demon. Their son is so cute. Dean looks so much like his dad, but has his mom’s energy. We’ve barely arrived and he’s already tussling on the ground with Priest, then he pulls me along to his room to show me his toys.

I’ve finally got him interested in a puzzle. “Why don’t you guys go ahead. I can keep him busy for a while,” I tell them.

“Are you sure? Dean can be a handful,” Sofia says.

“So can Priest,” I joke. Demon lets out a roar of laughter, Sofia joins in, and little Dean giggles, but he has no idea why he is. He just wants to be like Daddy.

“She’s got your number, man,” Demon tells him with a twinkle in his eye, then turns to me. “I like you a lot.”

“Enough for an autograph?” I ask. “My sister and I were such big fans of your early stuff and even bigger fans now. It’ll make her scream if I go back with an autographed photo.”

“Not a problem.” He grins.

Meanwhile, Priest walks to me and bends down to kiss me lightly. “That just earned you a spanking,” he whispers.

“If you think that’s a deterrent, you’re wrong,” I whisper back.

* * *


We walk into Sofia’s home office and find the two boxes sitting beside her desk. Sofia takes a seat behind her desk and begins tapping into her laptop.

She shakes her head. “Okay. I’m not sure where to start, Priest.”

“Just give it to me. Whatever it is, not knowing is worse. And if Steady and Camille need to be in on this, then we need to move fast,” I say.

“Best I can see, your mother has been trying to amend your father’s will. His original will is with Sholtz & Associates. I know David Sholtz from some other dealings. He’s an older lawyer, mainly working in wills and divorce. Good guy, and very close to retirement. He’s inexpensive and is mainly taking on cases as he sees fit. He’s honest and has a good reputation. I reached out and explained the situation with your father and how you’ve taken over making sure he would have the best medical care. He sounded relieved. Acting in your father’s interests, he couldn’t say a lot about the will, but he did say that your mother was in last week and declared that, verbally, your father wanted everything to go to her,” Sofia says, then does this sly smile. “David Sholtz is a smart man. He asked her, ‘How do you know you aren’t the sole beneficiary already?’ which completely threw her off her game. Her story started to unravel, and he figured out that she was after information on how to get the will changed. Without your father’s signature, that would be impossible.”

“So everything’s good?” I ask.

“Yes and no,” she replies.

“What’s not good?”

Your father has been socking away a little money. It isn’t much, but it was a few thousand. I traced the bank, and then Orion did his thing, which I don’t want to know about and found the account empty except for one dollar. It’s a fuck-you for your father to see when he goes to collect it,” Sofia says.

“Risk and I took it further. She’s talking to her neighbors about moving away. She’s trying to sell the house, and the reason she was in the hospital was to see if she could get your father declared incompetent so she wouldn’t need his signature. Her only source of income was dying, and she wanted to collect before he actually went. The woman’s fucking cold,” Demon states. “I didn’t like what I found, so I got a guy watching her every move. He’s got a line directly to me and will call if he sees something suspicious.”

“Most people grow up with a normal mom. Not me, though. I have Cruella de Vil,” I grit out through clenched teeth.

“I had a great mom, but Ghost and Guard had no mother, and neither did Wildcard,” Demon says. “They turned out all right. We can’t choose the family we were born into, but you chose right when you came to the Pride, brother. You’re where you’re supposed to be, and we got your back.”

I take out the letter I found in the box. “I don’t know what’s in this, but it was inside the box. There’s one for Camille too.”

“What’s it say?” he asks.

“Haven’t opened it.”
