Page 53 of Loving Emma

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I let out a sigh. “You’ve got me there.” Tapping the tip of my finger to my lips, I pretended to be thinking. “How about I give you a blow job right at the climax of the movie? No pun intended.”


“Christ, Jake, you didn’t even try to play hard to get.”

Chuckling, he patted the couch next to him. “Of course not. I know a good offer when I see one.”

Just as I moved to sit down, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap, laughing when I shrieked in surprise. He kissed me so thoroughly that I was about to suggest we forget about the movie,then tumbled me onto the seat next to him and snatched the remote from my hand. “So, Keira Knightly’sPride and Prejudice, is it?”

“That’s the one,” I replied, a little breathlessly. Seriously, the things this man could do to me.

He found the movie and as the opening credits began to roll, I snuggled against his side, letting out a little sigh of pleasure when he draped his arm over my shoulder.

There were so many things I’d forgotten—forced myself to forget, more like—from the time Jake and I were together before. This was one of them. This sweet and funny banter. All those years of keeping my distance, only knowing him from afar, meant that I only saw brooding, intense Jake who could barely look at me. Who sometimes snapped at me when I got too close.

I hadn’t remembered all this fun and silliness between us. How light he could make me feel. Or how much we just got each other. Sometimes it felt like he was reading my mind.

Added to all of that was the mind-blowing sex. I mean, it had always been great, but this weekend Jake had gone thermonuclear. We were well on track for the promised fifty orgasms and there was a good chance my body would never be the same.How was I ever going to want to be touched by any other man after this?The idea flitted around the edge of my mind, and I resolutely pushed it away, not ready to think about what would happen after Sunday night, when I went home.

I could barely concentrate on the movie, which was fine, because I’d already seen it nine times. Watching a romantic movie with Jake sitting next to me, though, had me all kinds of wondering. Shifting restlessly, I flicked him a little sidelong glance. He wasn’t even remotely interested in the movie, that much was obvious. It was beyond sweet that he was tolerating it for my sake, though.

Maybe he sensed me looking at him because he turned his head and caught me peeking. I hastily turned back to the movie. A few minutes went by, but my curiosity only grew.

“Jesus Christ, Em, this is torture. You’ve clearly got something to say, just spit it out.”

“Have you been with anyone, seriously, since…” Wow. I blew out a breath. That was absolutely not how I’d planned to ask him. But the wondering had been eating at me, and at least the question was out there now.


“No one? You’ve slept with people, though?”

“Sure. I’m not a monk.”

“But no more than a casual lay.”


“Why not?”

He shrugged. “Just didn’t feel like it.”

Well, if that wasn’t a steaming pile of horse manure, I was a monkey’s uncle. I wished I had the courage to push him further, to tease that out, but his brow was furrowed, and he was staring at the television. I didn’t want to mess with this newfound peace between us so I kept my mouth shut.Such a coward.

“What about you?”

I should have expected that, but the question still made my heart clench a little.Dale.Shame washed through me and I had to look away, back at the television. Mr. Darcy’s austere expression at that precise moment seemed to be berating me.


I cleared my throat. “Um, yeah. There was one guy.”

Jake stilled beside me. I wanted to get angry at him for that. For showing me that maybe that bothered him, that the idea I’d moved on could upset him.

Or maybe I was just imagining all of that. Maybe we were just two old friends that were having a light-hearted talk on a break from the fuckfest on our dirty weekend. Yeah, bull fucking shit. “Who was he?”

“A doctor in Cambodia. He coordinated the evacuation of the hospital. You remember I told you about that?” I pulled away, picking up a cushion and hugging it against my chest.

