Page 70 of Loving Emma

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“Not much. She’s taking some time to herself, to think things through. Exploring her options, I think.”

Feeling my heart lurch, I shot Gabe a look. His calm, steady gaze did nothing to ease my nerves. “Exploring her options? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t really know. I’m sorry I can’t give you more. She’s really closed off right now. It might be different if we weren’t talking over the phone. Maybe I should go to see her face to face so I can really tell where she’s at.” There was a pause, then Lucy said, “I think… I think she’s pretty cut up, but putting a brave face on it.”

“Do you think she’ll see me?”

“Definitely not. Not right now. But someone should check in with her.”

“If not me, then who?”


Relief tinged with hope washed through me at Gabe’s immediate answer. I trusted him more than anyone in the world.

“That’s a great idea. Just… Be easy on her,” Lucy said.

“Of course. Maybe tell her I’m already in the area, just dropping in because we’re all worried about her. It’s a no pressure situation, okay, I’m just dropping in. That kind of thing.”

“Yeah, that’s perfect. Let’s do that. I’ll text her to let her know. When can she expect you?”

Gabe had already gotten to his feet and Ally was handing him his car keys. “I’ll be there in two hours.”



Why was I nervous? I hadn’t done anything wrong. It was just Gabe, dropping in to check on me, because he was in the area for work. Yeah, right. Work on a Saturday. I didn’t need anyone to check on me. I was completely fine. Still, I wiped my sweaty palms on my leggings when I saw his truck pulling into the motel parking lot and my heart was thudding painfully when I opened the room door for him.

“Hi.” I folded my arms across my middle, feeling ridiculously defensive for some reason.

He was carrying a white paper bag and two takeout coffee cups. “How’re you doing?”

Oh. He wasn’t angry, or here to drag me back, or plead Jake’s case. His eyes were kind and sympathetic. He looked concerned for me. That did it. Tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn’t stop them from falling. Gabe put the coffees and paper bag on the little round table under the window and pulled me into his arms. I thought I’d cried all the tears I had to cry last night, but apparently not. I couldn’t hold back the flood so I gave into it, sobbing into his chest while he ran his hands in soothing circles over my back.

“God, I’m sorry,” I said when I could finally talk again.

“Don’t be.” He handed me one of the coffee cups.


“Everyone’s worried about you, you know.”

My kneejerk response would usually have been to say they didn’t need to be, but clearly that wasn’t true. I was holed up in a hotel two hours from home, hiding from the world, bursting into tears at the slightest whiff of sympathy.

“Is Jake okay?”Interesting that that’s your first concern, girl.

“Honestly? No. He’s worried sick about you, for a start.”

“I’m sorry for that.”

Gabe sat down, taking the lid off his coffee and swirling the contents. He was clearly here for a chat.

Letting out a sigh, I sat opposite him and sipped my coffee. “I’m mad at him.”

“I figured as much.”

“He loves me.”
