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He ushered the two of us to chairs, and after we sat, he leaned his arse against his desk and crossed one leg over the other.

“Let’s just say high heels and the front steps don’t mix.”

“Raya, do a report for OH&S.” He turned back to me after speaking with Raya. “Are you okay? Do you need to take a few days before you start?”

“No, I’m fine, and there is no need for a report. It was completely my fault. Heels aren’t something I had much use for on the station, so I’d appreciate you not making a big deal out of my clumsiness.”

Owen shook his head. “You don’t have to file a claim, but a report has to be filed. Heels or not, falling on our steps is a safety issue.”

“Okay, but I still don’t see the point.”

“Raya, take Liz up to HR and bring her back to my office when you’re done. I need to go upstairs for a moment but should be here when you get back. If not, wait.”

Raya and I left the office—me knowing I would have to address the elephant in the room with Owen sooner rather than later.

Chapter Six


Owen and I walked side by side to the lift and took it down to the third floor. I couldn’t believe the stunning brunette was now one of my staff. Eyes widened and employees wished me a good morning as we passed through the data area towards Owen’s office. I wasn’t a stranger to my staff, but work prevented me from spending much time wandering through each department. Approaching the doorway, I noted the tops of two ladies’ heads above the chairs where they sat facing the desk. We walked in and the sound of our footsteps on the tiled floor had the women turning around to see who had arrived.

I’d heard the expression—blood drained from her face—many times, but I’d never been witness to it happening. Until now. Elizabeth had turned as white as the tiles on the floor.

“Raya, can you leave us to speak with Elizabeth, please?” I asked.

Raya glanced between the three of us, stood, and made her way to the door, closing it on her way out.

Owen and I stood in front of Elizabeth, both of us leaning back against the desk with our arms crossed.

“Shit!” Elizabeth exclaimed.

“You didn’t put two and two together after what we said on Friday night?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I was so shocked at seeing Owen here that I didn’t stop to think you work…wait a minute...”

I could almost see the wheels turning in her head as she pointed back and forth between me and Owen, eventually stopping at my chest.

“You don’t work here. Well, I mean, you do…kind of. Raya said Owen’s best friend owns the company.” She slapped her hand against her forehead. “You’re Hudson Jackson. Of course, you’re the owner.”

With all the pointing and arm flailing, I finally noticed the bandages on her hands, pushed off the desk, crouched down, and took her wrists in my hands.

“What the hell happened to you?” I looked up at Owen. “Did you know about this?”

Owen nodded and pointed at Elizabeth’s legs, and I saw the large plasters on her knees. “Liz fell on the front steps on her way in this morning. Raya came to her rescue.”

My eyes pierced Elizabeth’s. “What caused your fall?” I felt a wave of anger I couldn’t explain, knowing she was hurt.

“High heels.” She rolled her gorgeous eyes. “Just call me Miss Klutz.”

“I think you should delay starting here until you’re healed.”

She shook her head. “I already told Raya and Owen it’s not necessary.”

I looked up at Owen. “Do you want to take Raya to the break room and discuss what we spoke about? I’d like a word with Elizabeth.”

“Sure.” I waited for my friend to leave before turning my attention back to my newest employee.

“Raya’s not in trouble, is she?”
