Page 36 of Die For You

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“Not normally, no.” His smile curved at the corners, almost like that of the Cheshire cat. “I’m just not tired. Guess it’s all this excitement.”

“Guess so,” Tristan said. He sucked in a breath before blurting out, “I’m exhausted as fuck, though.” His eyes opened wide before he amended with “Sorry, that was blunt. I’m just feeling it now, Steven. I’m like five seconds away from passing out.”

Steven’s smile curled downward. “No, I get it.” Those dark brown eyes flitted in my direction. “You sure you guys don’t want to play another round? I can get us more drinks. Pizza?”

Tristan pursed his lips. I jumped in, realizing he might need an assist. “I’m pretty tired, too. It’s been a long day.”

“It has,” Steven said, starting to stand. “It really has.”

“Thanks for coming by.” Tristan stood and opened his arms for a hug, which Steven quickly fell into. He shut his eyes and rested his head on Tristan’s shoulder. It looked like a hug from a childhood friend who hadn’t seen you in years.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” Steven said when they separated.

“Me too,” Tristan deadpanned, pulling a laugh from both of us. I stood and shook Steven’s hand, my fingers dwarfing his.

“Have a great night, boys.”

“You too,” I said, walking him toward the door. He gave one last lingering look over his shoulder before leaving. I had the impression that he wanted to stay much longer, but I had to admit that closing the door and being left with just Tristan and me was exactly what I wanted.

Tristan offered me a growing smile as I went over to his side, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to him. I planted my feet firmly on the carpet and looked out the floor-to-ceiling window. “How are you feeling?” I asked, watching as the multicolored lights of the city twinkled underneath us, dancing with the few stars that were strong enough to make it through the light pollution.

“Like I was kidnapped and nearly killed by a sadistic monster but somehow managed to survive and escape. So… alright, I guess?”

I chuckled at Tristan’s dark joke, turning my gaze to him and placing a hand on his foot. He smiled at me. “In all seriousness, I’m not sure how I’m feeling. Relieved. Scared. Happy. Nervous about the future. Glad that you’re here. Worried. Basically, I’m feeling everything, everywhere, all at once.”

I squeezed Tristan’s foot, offering him a smile that matched his.

“Also, kind of horny. But that’s weird. Right?”

Another laugh escaped me. I rubbed my thumb along the tops of his toes. “You’re allowed to feel however you feel without it being weird. I think an increase in sex drive is linked to adrenaline, anyway. In case you wanted a scientific explanation for why you wanted to jump my bones right now.”

“Gotcha. Yeah, that does make sense.” Tristan leaned in and gave me a kiss. “I feel like I need to shower. Wash all of today’s shit off me.”

“Go,” I said. The fluttering sensation of his lips against mine didn’t disappear just because the kiss broke. “I’ll be right here.”


“I’m not going anywhere. Promise.”

He kissed me again, the flutters cascading down my spine, spreading through me like a flowing river, filling my crevices and parching my drought. Something about that kiss solidified what I felt for Tristan, and I was determined to put that feeling to words tonight.



The warm waterhit my back with a pleasant force. I rolled my neck, letting the water fall over my face, my neck, my chest. I tried to picture myself on a deserted island, inside of a beautiful villa with a naked Gabriel, both of us hundreds and hundreds of miles away from all our problems, all our trauma, all our demons. Just the two of us, getting lost with each other. God damn. That’s all I wanted. I’d give it all up if it meant that’s what I’d get.

I’d give up my books, my career, my entire fucking life.

At some point, not sure when, tears started to mix with the water from the shower. I looked down at my wrists, seeing the faint marks from where the ropes had been tied, and I cried even harder. Realization hit me like a hurricane, nearly barreling me over.

I was so close to death. The Grim Reaper had their scythe held up right against my neck. And it still wasn’t over. Whoever took me was still out there, and I wouldn’t be able to stop looking over my shoulder until they were caught.

More tears. I crouched down, letting the water pound into my back and my neck. I let it all out. A mixture of fear and panic and dread, but also relief and hope and determination. I’d never felt this wide range of emotions all at once before. It would probably come in handy for my writing later, but right now, I was shocked my body could even process all of this.

Shock. There’s another emotion to add to the list.

After about thirty minutes of just letting the water fall on me, I figured it was time for me to get out before Gabe started to worry. I turned off the shower and grabbed one of the hotel’s plush white towels. Maybe it was the fact that I’d been kidnapped hours before, but something about today made me appreciate just how goddamned soft the towel was. I held it against my face and nearly started to cry again.
