Page 119 of Luxe

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This time he doesn’t even bother to nod; instead, he drops a stack of 8.5 x 11 inch enlarged photographs on my desk. They’re pictures of Kiara’s apartment, with red crosses, marking where the camera and bugs were placed. They were everywhere. The sick fucking bastard was thorough. I wonder if he did this all at once, or if he did it over time. Was he angry that he was missing the show in a place he didn’t have a camera?

"Fuck!" I shout this time, sweeping my hand over my desk, knocking everything, the picture, the surveillance equipment, all over the ground. "He had every inch of that place covered. I want to kill him!” I hiss, fuming. “Find. Him.”

"The signal was already disconnected when we got there and retrieved these, I had someone posted outside her apartment right after we talked on Monday. So, he didn't have a chance to come back and get them. He must’ve turned them off after she found the photos. It would be stupid otherwise. We could trace it."

"No. He’s sick. He wants her to know he was watching, that's what the photos are about.”

"Any leads on where the signal went?"

"No. But we're looking into it."

The not knowing is driving me insane. I want him gone, so that she can get on with her life. As much as I love her living with me, I want her there because she wants to be, not because she’s forced. “Look harder. You know who to call if you need more tech help."

It's back to the nods.

"Okay, thanks. As soon as you learn anything, let me know, whatever time of day it is, wherever I am. Also, tonight, I'm going with Kiara to a poker club in Wan Chai. I want extra cover. Make it two guys all right? Inconspicuous ones. She doesn’t need to be worried about being babysat while she’s working.”


"Thanks for all you’re doing. I want everything that can possibly be done to find this guy. Do not spare any cost, a single person... And when you do find him, tell me and only me."

There's a small grunt and he gathers up the cameras and bugs, and leaves. It takes two drinks for me to feel like I can leave my office without inadvertently punching or yelling at an innocent person because of my anger.

By the time I arrive home to get ready to go with Kiara on another mentoring evening, all the frustration of the day fades the moment I step out of the elevator and she's standing there in a floor length, black velvet dress that drapes so low in the back that if I wasn’t focused on her beautiful face, I'd probably catch the tiniest glimpse of the dip of her ass.

"Wow. Angel.... you look breathtaking." I take her hand and twirl her around slowly, taking in the full effect of her dress and the way she moves in it.

"Can you help me with the top of the zipper? I can't quite bend that way."

She swings her hair over her left shoulder and lifts her right arm to show me the zipper running down her side. I pull on the zipper, leaning down to press a kiss on her bare shoulder. Her freshly showered skin smells like my soap

"Zip me up, Kylian," she says firmly.

"In a minute."

My hands slide under the dress and onto her silky soft skin, taking in a moment that shows how perfect she is. And then I sigh as I pull the zipper up all the way.

"I'll get changed and be right down, Kiki."

Her hands tickle the back of my head as she give me a sweet kiss. “I hope you don't mind; I chose a suit for you."

It’s hard to not feel like my soul just took flight, the idea of her going through my wardrobe and picking something she thinks would look good on me. "Of course not. Which one is it?

"It's the silk midnight blue one. Wear a plain white t-shirt underneath."

“Anything for you milady." I bow low, kissing her hand.

And when I come back down, the look of approval in her eyes touches parts of me I thought had died when I'd hurt her.

In the car, she lays her hand on my thigh, as she's wont to do every time now. The skin under my pants fabric is hers. The thought of anyone else touching me there is physically repugnant. It’s hers. As is every other part of me. I long for a redlight, trying to time my driving so that I can lift her hand to my mouth and kiss her palm.

"The universe granted me something so that we could be together. Some grace and a lot of—"

"Luck," she finishes and gives me a bright smile.

I tickle her palm that’s been returned to my thigh. "Poker players shouldn't be talking about luck."

Her face screws up like a bunny. "That's BS. Sure, playing the player is the game. But imagine how much easier it would be if you were dealt a royal flush every hand."
