Page 3 of Rambo

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“Ya, you watch what you say. I’m getting my name on that birth certificate. I’m going to bring my daughter home.” She was so close to giving the probable cause I needed. I guess she isn’t as stupid as she seems.

“Rambo, you are never going to get what you want. This is a mother state. I willalwaysoutrank you!”

“Then why aren’t they with you?” I stop and see if she has any rebuttal, but as always, she has nothing. She keeps her mouth shut when she knows that she can’t say anything to make herself look better. After a breath, I speak again.“I’ll tell you why. Because you only think of yourself before anyone else! The only important person to Steffie is Steffie. Add in that when you didn’t get your way when you forced Baby Girl down Cowboy’s throat. You started to go after whoever you could. Ellie included. And now, you’re trying to come after me and prevent me from having my kid even when you want nothing to do with her. You’re done using her as a pawn in your twisted games.” I am done trying to keep calm. She is looking for me to lose my cool, and she is close to getting her way.

“What the hell is your skanky ass doing here? Didn’t I tell you that I would end your sad, sorry life if you stepped foot here again?” Cowboy bellows, coming up behind me.

“Baby, I’m just here trying to get information on sweet baby Marley. I can’t believe that your sister had a hand in taking her away from her loving home. Can’t you please help me bring her home? Talk to Auntie Ellie and see if she will take back everything—” as Steffie tries to run her freshly taloned nail up Cowboy’s chest, he snatches her wrist and shoves her back.

“Okay, all that bleach must have seeped into your head. No one can be this stupid. This whole thing is because you are a fucking mess and can’t see past the tip of your nose. That little girl is where she needs to be, with her real family. That little boy is going to learn more with us than he did in the first eight years with you. You need to get the fuck off club land. You need to get away from me, or I will be letting Bri and Butcher decide what to do with you next!” Cowboy doesn’t know calm anymore when he is around her.

I’m so exhausted. I’m tired of having to see her attempt to get with Cowboy. I’m tired of her fighting me over a single piece of paper. I’m tired of every single person in my life having to fight this battle with me because she is a selfish cunt.

“Steffie, just sign the papers and get the work the court wants you to do done. Then you can get your visitation with her and fix everything. That little girl needs a happy—” I can’t even say, mother. In the short time that my daughter has been alive, Steffie was not a mother. There isn’t a maternal bone in her body. This, in turn, makes me hurt and even more exhausted because I think of Dillon and how much he’s had to deal with having Steffie as the only parent in his life.

I take a deep breath. Cowboy doesn’t have to keep his cool around her, but I do. Audrina and my lawyer said being civil is the best way to gain what I need.

Steffie smirks. One that I know will bring nothing good. She’s an evil, conniving bitch, and we all know it. She looks directly at my Prez.

“Tell you what, Rambo. I’ll sign the papers if—”

“—No if’s. No buts. You’ll sign the papers.”

She looks at me now, her eyes squinted,“If,”she looks back at Cowboy,“you leave your stunned cunt of a wife and be with me. You give me the patch and the title of your queen, and I’ll sign whatever Rambo wants. I’ll give him both kids, no questions asked. No fights. But I. Get. You.”

I look over at my Prez, and he hasn’t moved. She punctuated each word, trying to be sexy, as she pointed to him. When he steps toward her, she smiles like she just won billions in the lottery. When he gets right in front of her, the finger that she is pointing at him hits his chest. Her smile is that of pure victory. However, that slimy smile turns to screams when Cowboy takes her finger in his hand and snaps it. She crashes to the ground, clutching her hand to her chest.

I can’t do anything. Not that I would. I don’t help her. I don’t stop him. This is his fight. What I do, though, is smile. I don’t give a single fuck if she sees me. Cowboy squats down, looking at her the way he does before he kills a man. The fear on Steffie’s face is gorgeous. Probably the only time I have ever thought she is gorgeous.

“If you thought you could get me to leave my wife for you, you’re dumber than anyone on this fucking planet. That was for calling my wife a stunned cunt. You go anywhere near my wife or say anything else about her, and I’ll break your whole fucking hand. Now, listen to every word I say. This will be the last time I say this. Do not come back. If I see you on my property again, I will kill you.”

He gets up and walks away. As he passes me, I give him a nod, letting him know that I am thankful for him. Thankful he did what I can’t.

“You’re just going to stand there and not help me?”

“I don’t have to help you. You’re nothing to me. The only one that matters is my daughter. You brought this all on yourself. Get off the property. I’ll see you in court.”

With that, I walk away.

When I return to the house, I go right to the kitchen, where I know El is sitting with my daughter. When she sees me, her little hands reach out for me, and I can’t help but smile. She comes to my arms, and I hold her as close as possible. I love this little girl.

Her mother is a piece of shit, but this little girl will always be perfect. I feel a tug on my cut, and when I open my eyes, I see Dillon. I bring one arm off my daughter and open it for him to lean into. Dillon wraps his arms around me, and I hug him just as close. After a moment, he looks up at me, tears in his eyes.

“Is she gone, Daddy?”

“Yeah, buddy. She’s gone.”

I didn’t make him. I have no right to him. But he’s mine.


I wasn’t helping with the calving or the horses. Most nights, I was helping Elvira and Judge put the kids down. I was giving my sweet girl her bath. She was splashing around, trying to eat the bubbles, and enjoying this time with me. I swaddle her in the towel and take her to the changing table in the crib room. She has it all to herself for right now. It’s a big room, and not gonna lie. I was worried she would be lonely. She has been here for a few months, and it hasn’t done any damage that I can see. And apparently, babies have their own rooms all the time, so it’s normal.Who knew?El was an angel when I freaked out about her being in here. She wasted zero time in soothing my fears and letting me know that my reactions were normal.

“It shows you care, Rambo. Your worries are valid. This little person is part of you. The way we feel toward our children is something that can’t really be explained until you have kids. You’re worried because you love her. I promise you; she is safe here. She will always be safe here.”

“Baba! Moo! Eeep!” I couldn’t help but smile as she babbled away the few words she knows. She was getting there. Unfortunately, she’s delayed by the neglect Steffie inflicted on her. She was over one and barely talking. She just started walking.

“You telling me all‘bout your day? Was it amazing? I know Daddy’s day was better once I was with you and your brother.” I blow raspberries on her belly, and she squeals in delight.
