Page 80 of Sanctuary

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Sobbing, I buried my face in Nishia’s hair and just let go.

Sinking to my ass, I held on to her like my life depended on it—because it fucking did.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, welcoming me.“It’s okay,” she soothed.“I’m here, I’m safe.”

My relief was too much, and all I could do was cry harder, not caring who saw or heard the tortured animal sounds that left me.Nishia didn’t try to shush me, just stroked her fingers through my hair and kept promising me that she was okay.

“Honey, let the EMT look at you.”Dad’s voice penetrated my brain.“You might have a concussion like Sammy.”

“I’m not moving, Hawk.”

“The bump on your head is bruising, and you’re still bleeding,” he argued quietly.“Jack’s going to be pissed when he calms down.”

Lifting my head, I looked at her head through my tears.He was right; she had a mean bruise on her forehead and what looked like a baseball-sized knot that went up into her hairline.“Baby, you’re hurting.”

She gave me a trembling smile.“Just a little headache, nothing I can’t handle.”

“No.You’re getting looked over at the hospital.”I glanced at my dad.“Help her up.”

She was a little unsteady on her feet, and Dad had to wrap an arm around her waist to keep her from tripping when she stood.Scrubbing my hands over my face, I jumped to my feet and lifted her into my arms.Sighing, she laid her head on my shoulder.“I love you, Bear.”

My breath hitched, but my steps didn’t falter.I needed to get her checked over so I could take her home.There would be time to savor the first endearment she’d ever given me later.“I love you so fucking much, little fairy.Thank fuck you’re safe.”

“Who taught Samara to shoot like that?Can you teach me?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” I assured her, choosing to avoid the question about Samara for the moment.I didn’t have the energy to explain the mafia princess’s family dynamic.And I figured that if Anya Vitucci had taught her daughter-in-law the secrets of her trade when Nova was little more than ten, then her biological daughter had been just as well equipped for nearly any threat.

An ambulance was parked several yards away.Weaving through vehicles and motorcycles, I carried her over to where Elias was sitting with Samara on his lap while an EMT finished putting a bandage on her head.“She needs to go to the emergency room now, sir.That’s a bad concussion she has going on.”

“I don’t want to go,” Samara complained.

“You’re fucking going,” he growled.

“But, Daddy—”

“Do not argue with me, baby girl.You’re going.”His gaze lifted from her and went straight to where I stood.“Look, Nishia needs to go to the ER too.Do you want to make her suffer just because you’re being a brat?”

“No.I just want to go home.”

“We’ll go home after you see a doctor.”

“Fine,” she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest petulantly.

“She keeps calling him ‘Daddy,’” Nishia whispered.“You heard it too, right?It isn’t just this headache?”

“I heard it,” I assured her quietly, pressing my lips to the part of her brow that wasn’t swollen.“I’m not really surprised.”

The EMT walked over to us and flashed a penlight in Nishia’s eyes.“Damn, you’re concussed too.She needs to get a CT like the other girl.And a few stitches.I can put a bandage on it until we get to the hospital.”

“Son, you go on with Nishia and Sammy,” Dad instructed, coming over to us after tossing commands to a few brothers.“Raven is already on her way with your mom.I’m going to stay and make sure Ben doesn’t run into any trouble with the local cops, but then I’ll be right behind you.Max, Reid, and Tanner will follow the ambulance.”

Nodding, I lifted Nishia into the back of the ambulance.

“There’s not enough room for both girls and you two guys,” the EMT stated.“One of you can ride in the front with my driver, but someone is going to have to follow.”

“Not it!”Elias and I said in unison, making Nishia giggle.

But the sweet sound quickly turned into a groan.“Ugh, my head hurts so bad, Bear.”
