Page 101 of Broken Strings

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He raises a questioning gaze to mine, and I can barely get the words out.

“They’ve found a donor!”

* * *


Since returning to New York, I’ve been circumspect.

I’ve kept my head down, gone about my business, and avoided the media.

Until now.

“Are you ready or what, sweetheart?”

Vaughn enters his office briskly, impatience emanating from his immaculately dressed body. I shoot him a quelling look, to which he responds with an eye roll.

“I need to go, Cade. I—I agree with everything you’ve said. I know I’ve hurt you beyond all hope of redemption, and for that, I am more sorry than you can ever know, but I do hope that we can at least stay on the same page…for our son.”

Caden is silent for a heartbeat until he speaks curtly. “I’ll text you.” Then he hangs up immediately.

I heave a sigh and look up into Vaughn’s frowning face. “That the pretty boy?”

My nod of acknowledgement sees my boss standing and rounding the desk between us to rest against it. “Does he know the issues you’re having with these motherfucking paps?”

“No. And I want to keep it that way. He has enough on his plate right now, okay? So, I need you to help me out.” My voice is firm, and Vaughn has known me long enough now to know when I won’t be swayed.

Cade has more than enough to deal with. I can handle some idiot news hounds.

“I’ve fired Kellie and had my lawyer slap a gag order on her big fucking trap too.”

I feel some of the tension drain from my shoulders at that.

Vaughn had stepped in and was in the process of, at least,tryingto prevent the story from being more than a rumour amongst the hounds.

Once it comes to light that I work here, all bets are off. For everyone involved. Vaughn included.

It’s the exact reason he makesallemployees sign airtight contracts—and the reason Kellie will be prosecuted for violating hers. Or perhaps Vaughn will hold it over her to ensure her silence.

The fact that I’ve always worked at Rogue under an alias, worn my trusty wigs and painted my face to be almost unrecognisable would all be moot. My anonymity went out the window when that video from the Alexandra Palace went viral.

My connection with Cade thrust me into a spotlight I havenointerest in. I have long sought to keep to myself, but now that choice seems to have been taken from me.

“I won’t let them run any of it, sweetheart. I’ve got connections in the media. If I can’t nix the story, I’ll spin it.Trust me!”

“I trust you, Vaughn. More than almost anyone. I know you’ll keep your word.”

His dark eyes hold mine, his brow knitting together as he nods. “I’ve got your back.”

“Thank you.”

He waves me off, sliding a file out of his desk drawer and dropping it onto the desk between us. I pick it up and begin to flip through notes, records, and pictures of Noah Spellman.

“This is what my guy has dug up so far. Nothing you wouldn’t already know.”

There’s credit history, bank balances, and various phone accounts, but there’s absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.
