Page 58 of Rogue Romeo

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Fuck it!

Rey has moved several steps ahead, and without analyzing it any further, I tug slightly on her arm. She spins about as I close the distance, sliding the tips of my fingers along the side of her jaw, eventually resting on the back of her neck.

Our eyes hold and the whole world around us fades into oblivion. Her breathing kicks up a notch, and her nostrils flare as I brush the pad of my thumb over the delicate skin of her nape.

“Kiss me. Alex.”

The words leave her mouth on a pleading breath as her fingers flex over my jacket-covered chest. Her eyes flare with unflinching desire when I nod almost imperceptibly, ready and willing to break all the rules for one taste.

I angle her head just right as she wets her lips with the tip of her tongue, her eyes watching in thrall as I close the gap between our wanting mouths.

Her moan of pleasure hits my ears at the barest brush of my lips across hers, and her arms encircle my neck, pulling me impossibly closer, opening her mouth to mine in the most glorious surrender.

Our tongues collide, twisting and coiling around one another, almost fighting for dominance until I rein things in, needing beyond measure to savor this moment because it willnothappen again.

It can’t.

And so, I slowly take her mouth, sliding my tongue along hers, nipping her bottom lip, and leisurely exploring her sweetness as every nerve ending inside of my body awakens. This kiss is like nothing I’ve experienced in my entire life, and in the back of my mind, I wonder what I’ve been doing wrong because this kiss…

This kiss iseverything.

I inhale sharply through my nose, exhaling a groan deep inside my chest, and her answering moan suddenly makes me remember where we are.

Slowly and begrudgingly, I break our kiss and slowly watch as her eyes flutter open. As she comes back to awareness.

Her eyes hold mine as their willing captive, and she blinks rapidly before reaching up to cup my cheek. She presses a chaste kiss to my lips, then smiles brightly, her next words affecting me more than I’d like.

“I think that was enough to throw them off the scent.”



“I need to use the restroom.”

Rey rises from her chair with the grace of a natural-born dancer, shooting me a little smile before she moves off toward the facilities, her hips swaying deliciously.

I rip my treacherous eyes from thatperfectfucking ass, forcing myself to do anything but watch her walk away.

“Lovely seeing you again, Alex.”

Dwight and Norah Freemont, who had sat at our table all evening, nod in my direction as they make their way out of the Koch Theater. Luckily, their asshat of a son isn’t in attendance, or I’d have had a job for Ford.

“Evening, Norah. Dwight.” I tip my chin with the smile they’ve come to expect of me at these damn events.

The meal and dancing portion of the evening is over, and things are beginning to wind down. I check my wristwatch, noting that it’s not yet midnight, and I brighten at the thought of potentially a third night in a row of binging Grey’s Anatomy.

I’m getting altogether too fond of waking up surrounded by a certain woman’s radiance.

Pulling out my cell, I shoot Ford a quick text.


Pull the car around in fifteen.

I’m met with a Ford classic that makes me laugh far too loudly.


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