Page 79 of Before We Came

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“What?” they say in unison.

“I know we’re all trying to find a way to get her identity back so she can stay here as Bridget, but what we need to be focusing on is keeping her home—here—even if that means she stays Elizabeth Fournier.”

“Dude, no. This is getting out of hand. You have her living with you already. There’s clearly something going on between you. That’s taking it too far. What about afterward?”

“Look, this is an opportunity for me to do something for this family. You gave me shelter and a place to live when I was ten. Let me give your daughter a place to live—a home. She’s safe here. Besides...”

Silence.Come on, man up.

“Besides...” Ken prompts.

“Besides, I love her.”

“Lonan, this is really generous, and I should decline this offer, but if we look into it and it’s possible, I’m not going to tell you no. I need my baby home,” Lori says, her voice catching.

“I had my lawyer look into it this morning. It’s legit.”

“Okay. So, when does she find out she’s getting married? That’ll go over well,” Jack adds, rolling his eyes.

“Can we keep this between us for now? I don’t want to make it sound like some kind of financial arrangement or scheme.” She’d bolt immediately. “I’d like to have a proper proposal.” I almost whisper the second half.

Lori tilts her head with swoony eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that, Mom H.”

“I’m sorry, you’re right.” She shakes off whatever gooey feelings she has brewing. “I’m not. I’m not. It’s just very romantic, Lonan.”

I can’t think of a proposal under less romantic pretenses.

“I’m going to head home. I’ve got homework to do. Mind keeping her here tonight?”

They nod, and I head out to the foyer to leave.

“I’ll walk you out,” Jack says as I grab the door handle.

Jack has been fairly silent throughout this whole proposition.Big-brother talk in 3... 2...

“Is this for real?”


“Yeah, man. It’s real. I haven’t told her I love her yet because your sister has major fucking trust issues, but I do. I would marry her “dead” or alive. Obviously, I didn’t plan on it happening this way, but if all it’s doing is moving up the inevitable, so be it.”

“Just... think this through first, yeah?”

I decided to marry Bridget when I was eight. I don’t need to think anymore.

Evidence Item #181–a

Submitting Agent: Tim Rollins

Case Number: NF-2000-PR-0856478

Item #: 181–a

Description of Enclosed Evidence: Journal, 2022

Victim’s Full Name: Bridget Lynn Hayes
