Page 80 of Before We Came

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Suspect’s Full Name: Julianne Katheryn Fournier

August 30, 2022

A body was found in Ontario this morning. I don’t know why anyone would have torn up that gorgeous landscaping I had put in. It was perfect. Something tells me this is going to cause problems for me even though none of it is my fault. I’ve proven myself to be a wonderful mother. So wonderful, in fact, that Birdie has come back to live with me since money has gotten tight and she doesn’t want me to lose the apartment. Having her here should help me prove my innocence even though I shouldn’t have to do this in the first place.


It’s just after 8:00 a.m. when my phone rings. I barely lift my head to see the screen.

Social Security Administration—oh my God!I thrash, trying to escape the sheets twisted around me, the phone rings and rings, and it feels like I’m moving in slow motion. It’s hard to get my fingers to swipe fast enough on the screen and answer.


“Hello, my name is Cheryl. I am calling to speak with Bridget Hayes regarding case number 379814D.”

That’s one hell of a case number, Cheryl. How many people have you guys wrongly added to that Master Death File each year?

“Yeah, yeah, I’m Bridget,” I rush.

“Could you please confirm your birthdate for me?”

Shit, she means Bridget’s birthdate. Think, think.

“Two fourteen, nineteen ninety-four.” My heart is racing.

“Social security number?”

“Uh... uh... Yeah, I have it. One second.” I open the Notes app on my phone and carefully read the ten-digit number Mom gave me.

“Thank you. Bridget, I’m calling about your open case regarding an erroneous death. I have some good news.”

* * *

Lonan is gone all day. Again. He’s practically been gone from sunup to sundown lately. We barely see each other between practice, games, and his other responsibilities. He’s usually gone before I even wake up. Thankfully, my family has been great about coming here to help go through all the paperwork with me regarding my social security status. But I’ve missed his hugs.

Jack picks me up to take me over to my parents’, and I keep my mouth zipped for most of the drive. I’m too afraid I’ll leak the information to them. As far as they know, we are going through day four of the loophole search. We’re all exhausted. I can’t wait to tell them it’s over. It’s time to move forward. Delaying this is not an easy task, there’s been a smile on my face since the call came through this morning. When we arrive, my mom is alone in the kitchen finishing the soup and sandwiches she’s making.

“I’m sorry—I should have come earlier to help you prepare lunch.”

She shoos me away. “No need, I’m letting the flavorsget to know each other, as you say.” I’m proud of her.

“Way to go, Mom. Where’s Dad?”

“He had to run to the store. He’ll be back soon.” She points her elbow to the backyard while she stirs the soup. “Why don’t you go take a walk before we sit down to eat?”

Come on, people!This is eating me alive. I have news I want to share. Where the fuck is everybody? If I stay, I’ll ruin the surprise, and I’d really rather present my news to them altogether.

I nod. “’Kay. Be back in a bit.”

I head out the French doors that lead to the backyard. It’s calm. The birds are chirping and it’s the most welcoming sound after a long winter. I love being in the woods. The fresh spring air is light and soothing. Full of new beginnings. I inhale as much as I can. On the ground, the soft damp leaves beneath my footsteps seem to have been pressed down by tire tracks or something big.That’s odd.I go back to focusing on all the nature around me, twigs snapping, birds singing, squirrels scurrying around the otherwise quiet forest. Pushing through the yellow fern branches from last summer, I notice there’s something new. There’s a raised garden box in the clearing off to the side.

And, oh my God.The fort!

It’s transformed from a kid’s tree house into a very legit, adult-sized version. Still similar to before but on a much bigger scale. I’m not crazy. It’s noticeably larger. It wasn’t that long ago I was out here.Who did this?I climb up the tree, step over step, and flip the hatch open.

“Hey.” The gravelly voice startles me, and I scream. My footing wobbles, and I grasp onto the side as Lonan reaches down to grab my arm.

“Jesus, Lonan, you scared the shit out of me! What the hell are you doing up here? I thought you were supposed to be at that charity thing today.”
