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I shake my head. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

“Are you in love with him?”

I take a long, deep breath. “I’m falling for him, yes. We’ve said I love yous.”

“Oh my god.”

“I know. He’s intense but so sweet. He listens when I talk. He wants to know about me, about all the things I’ve done and want to do. It isn’t all just…physical.”

Her eyes go wider. “You’ve slept with him?”

Wow,sleptis putting it mildly.


“Mia…I get you’re young, and you think you’re in love…but it’s really soon. You don’t even know him.”

“I don’t just give it up for anyone,” I remind her. “You know that. With him…I feel a connection, not just because of the kidnapping. I honestly feel like I’ve known him my whole life.”

She still looks concerned as she says, “I just want you to think about it, about what this life entails with a Medici, that’s all. It’s not a simple thing.”

I nod. “I know, but you’ve decided that it’s worth it. You’re a smart and a very successful woman in your own right, and you fell for Angelo.”

“All I’m saying is that it isn’t as glamorous as it may seem. This life isn’t for the faint of heart, Mia. It’s hardcore.”

I laugh, and she frowns some more. “Glamorous? I was kidnapped, tied up, starved, interrogated, and about to be sold to a prostitution ring. I’m pretty sure we’re way past glamorous.”

“If this is bringing things up for you…”

“I’m fine, honestly. I was broken for a long time, but I’m in a good place now. I can see what I want, and no amount of danger is going to keep me from what I want, and that’s Dante.”

I know this kind of love is dangerous. When I fall, I fall hard.

“So much for taking things slow.” She squeezes my hand. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

I nod. “I’ve never been more sure of anything before. That’s how I know it’s real. We may still be getting to know one another, but we’re positively crazy about each other. I truly think we can have a future together.”

She leans over and hugs me. “I’m so happy for you,” she whispers, tearing up. “I’m just cautious because of everything you’ve been through. Just promise you’ll slow things down. It’s all wonderful at first because everything is new, and that’s a beautiful time because you’re getting to know one another. I just don’t want you to lose your independence. This kind of attraction is intense, and it’s a lot. Just don’t look at everything with rose-tinted glass.”

I love my sister wholeheartedly; she only wants what’s best for me. “I won’t. I know what I’m doing, I promise.” A few moments pass, and I say, “What will we tell Angelo?”

“Leave Angelo up to me. He’ll come around.”

“We need to tell him ourselves,” I say. “It’s important that it comes from Dante.”

“I’ll be there for moral support. I’m just happy that you’re happy, kiddo.”

I’m beaming for the rest of the day. I can’t keep the smile off my face, even though the Medici empire is in a little bit of chaos.

I don’t know why I’m letting all this craziness bounce off me. Maybe after what I’ve been through I figure nothing could ever be as bad as that. I feel an enormous amount of protection with the Medicis. Angelo is the one who orchestrated my rescue and, ultimately, the one who carried me out. I owe them everything.

The day goes fast. Anything we can do from the casino, we leave for later.

We still have to do an inventory, store all the pieces, and get some office furniture.

I really love how Rayne has made me a part of this. It feels like I can put my own personal touch in my office and it be something that’s entirely mine.

I plan on helping her full-time once we’re up and running. She’s going to need an assistant to keep everything on track. The gallery is beautiful, and she should be ready to open the doors soon. Maybe when this whole saga dies down, we will have that grand opening. The thought is nice; that one day soon things will return to normal. She has a friend called Melody from Fortress Galleries helping us with the setup and placement of everything. It’s been good learning the ropes from the both of them. I have a feeling that I will be very busy when all this is over.
