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I’m glad, too, that we had that little chat about Dante. The fact that Rayne knows about us officially makes me feel better. I don’t want to keep things from her, not after everything we’ve been through. We have never had secrets growing up. We have always been able to confide in each other. I think that’s what I love the most about our relationship; we’re actually friends too.

We pop a bottle of bubbly before we leave, and Rayne, Melody, and I have a quick glass before we head back to the casino. Not that we’re celebrating, it’s just been a long day.

“You know, I think you did good getting together with Angelo Medici.” Melody smiles as she sips her bubbly, throwing a strand of her long blonde hair over her shoulder as she assesses the pieces we arranged today on the upper gallery walls. “You guys seemed like an unlikely couple, except look at you now.”

“I think so too.” Rayne laughs. “I certainly didn’t set out for any of this to happen.”

“Love works in mysterious ways,” I add, giving Rayne a wink.

Melody knows nothing about my kidnapping and all the other craziness that went down with that whole saga. It’s not something you can just blurt out.

“Well, my dating life is a disaster, so if there’s anyone you know …outside the mafia,” she says the last part behind the back of her hand. We all laugh. It’s not like anyone can hear us. Well, maybe Darko, but he’s busy manning the door with his guys.

“I’ll keep my eyes peeled,” Rayne says, clinking her glass with Melody’s.

She’s probably the smart one, wanting to keep her nose clean and out of mafia business. I thought that too, right after I was rescued. I thought I’d go back to living my life in New York, but everything changed.

All I know is that the world works in crazy ways.

We turn out the lights and let Darko escort us to the car after Melody hails a cab. She probably thinks the whole thing is just Angelo being his over-the-top self with security lurking everywhere, and she’d be right. She doesn’t question it though, so it’s one less thing we must try to explain without sounding weird. Angelo’s overprotectiveness is legendary.

“It was so nice seeing Melody,” Rayne sighs when we’re halfway back to the casino. “She was good to me when I came to work for Fortress Galleries. I feel bad we haven’t caught up in ages.”

“You could poach her from Angelo eventually.” I joke.

Rayne laughs. “I’m sure he’d appreciate me poaching his staff from Fortress Galleries.”

“All part of the biz.” I shrug as if I’d really know, and we laugh.

It’s nice that, even amongst the chaos that’s been upon us, we can still find a laugh here and there. Everything has been so serious lately, and rightly so, but I know it won’t stay like this forever. I’m hoping for a change for the better, but maybe that is just wishful thinking.

“When do you think you’ll set the wedding date?” I ask Rayne.

She looks at me a little thoughtfully. “Sometime next year. We don’t want to wait too long.”

I smile. “It’s going to be so much fun planning your wedding, sis.”

“I can’t wait. It’s not something I ever thought I’d see myself doing again, not after the last time.”

“I’m glad you’ve found love again. And he does love you, Rayne, so much.”

She links her arm in mine. “Thanks, sis. I love you. You know that, right?”

I nod, the knot in my chest lifting. “I love you too.”

* * *

Later that night, I meet up with Dante after showering and changing. We have decided we need to come clean with Angelo and let him know what’s been going on between us.

Though we don’t get very far, however when he pushes me up against the shower tiles and fucks me hard and fast.

He kisses my neck, telling me how good I am and how much he loves my body as he cups my breasts and slams in and out of me. It’s quick, but it’s precisely what we both needed.

Showtime is looming.

I know it can’t stay a secret forever, and I don’t want it to. I want to be able to touch and to be with him in public, and it all be okay.

We order some takeout and take it up to Angelo and Rayne’s suite.
