Page 100 of The Last Sacrifice

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He grunted in frustration as he took a step back. Ignoring the way that Marnie was watching them intently.

“Is what he says true?” Her voice gentle, Morticia turned to look at her.

Her gaze moving between them, he could almost see Marnie’s mind working overtime to come up with an acceptable answer.

“Child” Morticia stepped forward, ignoring Cassius’ warning rumble from where he stood in the door. “This is not the time to lie to me. “

Leaning against the bed’s wall, Marnie gazed at the dark-haired woman before her. Running her fingers through her hair, she laughed softly and shook her head in amusement.

“You do not understand,” looking up at them both. “What you’re asking,”

“I believe” Morticia stepped forward lifting Marnies gaze to meet her “that you are between a rock and a hard place”

“Not even close.” Ducking past Mortica, Marnie reached for her bag. Raising her hands at Hyde’s growl, she backed up. “You big fella. You will simply kill me. The Inquisition can make it last weeks. No where is safe. Not even your dreams” picking up her jacket off the chair, Marnie pushed her arms into the sleeves before pulling it closed over her singlet pyjama top.

“So unless you offer your protection, with an incentive or two. I am not saying a word.”

Protection for the woman who had given Talia up to be gang raped and sold? His fingers itching to wipe the smug smile off her face. He had never wanted to hurt a woman in all his life. But the sight of Talia in that cabin was forever burned into the core of his rage. And it was this woman’s doing.

His beast roared, demanding bloody satisfaction, filling every nerve with hunger.

Stalking forward. Eyes blazing with the rage he was barely suppressing, Hyde backed her up into the wall again. His faces inches away from hers.

“Tell me what I want and you live.” His voice was little more than a menacing growl. “Lie to me once and I will have you run for me” Oh, he wanted her to lie, to slip up. His beast wanting nothing more than to hunt her down under the moon and hear her scream.

But he wanted the information more. He needed answers, and this traitress Arcandian was his best chance of finding them.

“Half a million dollars,”

“I beg your fucking pardon?”

“My life and half a million dollars” even with her pulse racing, Marnie said it without flinching away from him. Meeting his gaze calmly, she shrugged.

“You need the answers more than I need to give them.”

“You think you can escape me? That I won’t kill you” His spoken words were low, full of the beast that curled through him. Eager.

“No. Just need to hold your attention long enough that I delay you. Time is not on your side.”

Hyde gave a low, rumbling growl as he pushed himself away from her. His eyes meeting Morticia’s cold, calm gaze. Her eyebrow rising ever so slightly.

“Done” he ground the word out from between clenched teeth. “Talk”

“You work for the Inquisition?” Morticia’s question hung in the air as the vampire glanced towards the door. Meeting Cassius’ eyes, she nodded, and he closed the door, leaving them alone with the witch.

Marnie picked up the dropped book from the floor, taking a breath. Her hands trembling as she shot a humourless smile at the vampire.

“Since I was young” sitting on a small armchair. Her fingers curling around the book. “Career choices are so hard these days”

“If you work for the Inquisition, why were you working for the wolves? Hyde stood against the wall, his arms crossed, glaring at the brunette facing him.

“Undercover. I’ve been trying to get them to introduce me to their alpha for two years.” Her eyes meeting his. “I was close too. Until Talia turned up at my hotel,”

“Why give her to the wolves if they ordered you to kill her” he hated killing women, but for Marnie, it might be time to make an expection.

“They did not order me to kill her.” Her voice was matter of fact as she meet his glare, “An alert had gone out for her capture. It was supposed to be easy. Sell her to the wolves, who would then move her with their normal shipment to France. Once there, the Inquisition would buy her. No mess, no fuss,”

“Talia wouldn’t agree.”
