Page 101 of The Last Sacrifice

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“I won’t feel guilty, Hyde. I have my reasons for doing what I do. Just as you have yours,”

Ignoring the small jibe about his own well-earned reputation, he pressed on. “Why the kill order now?”

“Because it’s her birthday,”

“Make fucking sense,”

“She is the reason your boss is so damn powerful. She is the reason you are both slaves.” Rolling her eyes, she sat back in the chair. “Sniper boy was buzzing all about it” reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a crumpled joint. The end igniting as she placed it between her lips and inhaled.

His fingers turning into fists, he glared at her.

She sat forward, elbows on knees, exhaling thick smoke while watching his every expression.

“For years, the Inquisition couldn’t figure out how a turned vampire could gain the power to rule over their own blue bloods.” Her eyes flickering to look at Morticia. “Not only were the natural-born vampires under his sway. So was every werewolf he came across, giving him the power to break away from the European court and make his own kingdom here.”

“I don’t need a history lesson,”

Shrugging a little, Marnie sat back. Her eyes were back on him.

“Not even the history of your soon to be Queen? You being her big knight protector and all.” Marnies lip curling into an all knowing smirk.

“I wouldn’t antagonise Hyde, my dear. His self-control is not unbreakable.” Morticia’s voice was full of quiet warning. Biting her lip, Marnie nodded at the vampire. Lifting the joint to her lips, she drew back deeply. Her eyes on Hyde.

“Talia is the reincarnated soul of his first wife. Navina. A powerful Acadian who Draven sacrificed to a big, bad demon lord. In exchange for power.” The hair rising on the back of his neck as he watched the witch let out a smoky breath. “Every time she is reborn, Draven marries her and cuts out her heart on some altar. And every time it happens, it is her twenty-fifth birthday. His power growing with each sacrifice, his rule secure as his empire expands,”

Draven was going to kill her. Everything went silent in his mind.

The danger wasn’t only the Inquisition; it was his own master. How the hell did he not see that arrogant asshole planning this? It had to be why he had gone overboard with the punishment. There would be no way in any of the hells that Hyde would stand by and let this happen to anyone. Let alone Talia. He knew he had been sidelined on purpose.

“How many times has this happened? Dose the Inquisition know” Morticias voice was calm, her eyes watching Hydes face even as hers showed no emotion.

With a shrug, Marnie lifted the joint to her mouth. Drawing in deeply before answering. Her voice tight.

“Maybe eight to ten times. At least that’s what the sniper boy said. He was quite excited,”

“Why?” Hyde growled the word between clenched teeth

“Take out Talia. Draven wouldn’t be able to keep his end of the deal. Either the demon would take out the vampire king. Or his power would start to fade and someone else takes him out,”

Letting the joint fizzle out, Marnie looked up at him, “no matter what happens it will be a win-win for the Inquisition,”

She wasn’t lying. Her heart rate had slowed the more she had talked, her voice confident.

“Are there any other shooters in town?”

Shaking her head, she leaned back. “This city is hard to get into. The Titans make it harder every year. But once they find out you killed the first sniper, they will try something again. You can be sure of that.”

“Will they contact you?”

Thinking about it for a moment, the witch nodded. “I’m still in the city, so I Am still useful”

“Good, you are to tell me whatever it is they are planning next.”

“It will cost you,”

Pushing himself off the wall, Hyde stalked forward, each step slow and deadly.

“No Marnie, it won’t,” his voice was all growl as he placed each hand on the armrests of her chair and leaned down over her. “Because if you don’t do this little favour for me. Then you will never leave this house or this room.”
