Page 127 of The Last Sacrifice

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Mid cast, the chant of the Arcandian sentinels shifted, altering their spell. The coven priestess guiding them through the complex cast, her eyes bright with energy. As the magic shifted within the binding circle, a protective dome of power crackled to life around them. It shimmered and sparked against the infernal power seeping out of the portal. But it held.

Rolling its shoulders as though adjusting to his form, the Demon Lord stepped forward.

Behind him a cacophony of demons, from monstrous to humanoid, all baying to get out. But only shadows followed the infernal steps. Twisting around and through the demonic lord’s legs. Slowly rising to form dark onyx horned warriors. That moved on either side of him. Their cold eyes burning with unnamed hungers.

“Well, fuck me” Aveline’s voice was low. Her body turning slightly to the side, her grip tightening on her sword.

“It has been too long” the deep voice was like thunder. Vibrating through the room with a power that seemed to make the very building breathe. Every glyph carved in the wall or floor, radiating the deep red of hell-born energy.

The Demon’s gaze burned from Hyde to Talia. Not even bothering to acknowledge the Arcandians or the postulating acolytes prone in dark worship on the floor.

“Since last we met”

Fighting this Demon Lord. His father. Had never been part of any plan. Past life or not.

“Father” never had Hyde said that word without sneering in disgust. His pack was uncomfortably close with Talia behind him, and all he had to go on were the fresh memories that were still burning brightly into his mind.

“My insubordinate heir stands between me and what I have been promised.”

The cries from beyond the portal growing in volume. A demand to claim what was promised. Fulfill the contract. Ancient law.

Taking on a Arch-demon without an army was suicide. In his old life, he may have stood a chance to best his father and become the next dark Lord. But he sacrificed more than his memories to be reborn on earth.

What he knew was that if they took Talia one more time. Her soul would be absorbed into the hell-scape forever. Not even his powers could put her back together again.

His eyes blazing red as he glared back. He was not about to let that happen. Feeling Ghost in full Lycan form step behind him. Her snout still dripping the high priest’s blood. He planted his feet firmly.

“I will never let you have her” Talia’s power pooling behind him in readiness. Whatever happened, they would face it together.

“It was never about her,”

Flames whipping from the side wall into the scattered pile of dust that had been Draven. So quick it was impossible to count. Dark power rising with each strike until the dust lifted to swirl. A terrorised screaming, ripping through the air. Drowning out the prayers of the dark coven.

A ghostly figure forming, only to be pulled. Inch by inch. Out of the dust.


His soul, stripped bare of the stolen power, looked nothing like the man who had tried to kill her. More like the boy Navina had first met. Ancient memories rolling through Talia’s mind as the soul stripped of what it had become stood quivering before the Arch-demon.

Her fingers sliding into Hydes as the flames licking the walls seemed to breathe with a renewed heat.

Her soul had been so young when she had first met him. The Roman mortal scholar. His ambition was nothing like the warrior men from her tribe. Sophisticated and orderly, she hadn’t seen his envy of her magic until it was too late.

“Draven,” the Demon Lord rolled his name across his tongue. Savouring it. “After all this time, you finally fail.”

“Your wretched, greedy soul so ripe for feeding,” the Arch-demon’s voice slowly filling with the weight of despair. The promise of dread. “Your failure is your doom. As was promised,”

Pain wracking through the soul as it shrieked and twisted.

“After all these years of greed and destruction... your sins will feed the brethren, for some time,”

Black chains coiling out of the floor rose to wrap around Draven’s ankles as he started to plead. His words were soundless to all but the Arch-demon who watched with burning eyes. Snapping around ankles and wrists, the chains pulled tight. Then backwards with a single jerk. His soul falling to the floor.

“A contract is a contract,”

Demonic hands pulling apart the marble floor from underneath. Grasping onto him, into him. Claws and rotten fingernails digging into his soul. His frantic eyes searching for her. Her name, the last throaty scream tearing out of his mouth.

Staring at the terrorised soul, Talia felt nothing. No remorse, regret, or sympathy. Her face was calm, watching as the demonic hands ripped his souls to shreds as he sunk to hell.
