Page 59 of The Last Sacrifice

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After days of asking for a meeting. He was now being called in.

Forcing himself to unclench his jaw, Hyde stalked through the club. God, he loathed this place. The music was too loud. Too gaudy, and tonight the vampires were revelling almost too openly. Their powers moving through the people, creating almost a mass hypnosis amongst the crowd. The music had them captivated, their bodies moving together in a sensual dance, always teetering on the edge of what was taboo.

Lust, drugs and blood, an addictive combination that Draven wielded so well.

The untouchable king of the vampires.

Rolling his shoulders, Hyde moved down the stairs. He glowered at the security doors, pressing his palm against the lock, determined to get through.

He just wanted to get this visit fucking over with.

Giving a nod to Draven’s assistant, who had shot to her feet. Her mouth opening slightly, watching him stalk into the room. Lust and fear rolling off her as his glare moved over her. Her perfectly boring suit didn’t have so much as a wrinkle.

“He is expecting me” it wasn’t a question

With a nod, she sat back down.

“Just go right in.” meeting his harsh gaze, she looked away. Her perfectly manicured hands tidying her desk as she watched him pass from the corner of her eye.

He would bet an easy hundred dollars she hadn’t been this perfectly presented while human. Vampires... all fake, every single one of them.

At the door to Draven’s office, he stopped. His eyes brows drawing together in annoyance.

“I thought I ordered you to never leave her side,”

Ghost stood up tall, having squeezed between two of the King’s werewolf guards, and gave a crooked smile. Her eyes lighting up at the sight of him.

She was the only female in his whole pack. Draven had refused to let him re-home her as he had with the other females. A punishment that the vampire had called a reward. Forced to keep her close. The daughter of the alpha he had killed.

A walking, talking guilt trip.

He didn’t remember quite when he went from waiting for her ambushes, to planning ambushes with her. But of all the pack members, she was closest to his true family.

Many thought she would, in due time, become his mate. An idea he found abhorrent. He had been her guardian since she was twelve. As far as he was concerned, she was untouchable.

It was the least he could do for her father. Keep his daughter safe. Especially from him.

“The king always insists on privacy with her. That includes me,” pulling a face with a roll of her eyes, Ghost shrugged. “But he has not hurt yet her,”

“Then she hasn’t made him mad yet”, giving the two guards he assigned to Draven a hard look. He frowned as they stepped back from her. Eyes downcast.

Hyde shook his head and let out a deep sigh.
