Page 60 of The Last Sacrifice

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He couldn’t fully blame them. Ghost had grown into a beautiful she-wolf. As most natural born wolves did. A gift from their Nephilim ancestors. The older she got, the more perfect she seemed. Being related no matter how distantly to angles would do that for a girl, he supposed. One day soon, though, she would hit heat and then the entire pack was going to be torn apart.

Completing this job was crucial for winning Draven’s favour. He would finally allow her to travel to a fresh pack. Where she could find her own mate. Maybe have a family.

Otherwise Hyde would be forced to kill his own to keep her safe.

A problem for another time.

Pushing open the heavy doors to Draven’s office. His jaw clenching tight as her scent danced across his senses.

Today’s problem had taken over one of the king’s lounges, enjoying the comfort and warmth of the low fire. Talia’s gaze rising from the open book on her lap, colliding with his.

Almost a physical force against his resolve. She was just as breathtaking as the first time he saw her. Gone were the leathers that hugged her body like a second skin. Tonight she wore red silk. The soft material crossing over her breasts, leaving her sides open as it fell over her legs and to the floor.

As beautiful as the dress was, he hated it instantly. His hand balling into a fist as her blue eyes stared into his. Her scent deepening. A rich musk of arousal filling his nostrils. Her gaze dropping from his back to the book, she turned a page.

So much for sharing Draven’s bed. The leech hadn’t touched her. He would have smelt death on every pore of her delicate skin. Resisting the urge to grin. He ripped his gaze off her. All he wanted was to claim her then and there. Take the king’s head and get her the hell out of that horrible dress.

His face a mask of disinterest, he made his way to where his master sat behind the ancient desk.

The vampire leaning back in his seat, his cold eyes never leaving Hyde’s. He smiled, making the hairs on the back of Hydes neck raise.

“Ah, my Alpha. The one wolf in all the world who knows not to fuck with me.”

Meeting the vampire’s look, Hyde shrugged his shoulders. Draven would have heard the conversation at the door. He frankly didn’t care tonight. If the lord and master wanted to have a problem, he didn’t need a conversation to do it with.

“You wanted to see me?”

“I want to know if you’re still Alpha of the Titans?”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Well, last time I checked, you were supposed to have control of the pack. Vett any pup and their family,”

Adjusting the cuffs of his long-sleeved linen shirt, Draven stood up. “yet the chaos of your pack has spilled into my court,”

Not a single detail of what occurred in Draven’s court went unreported to Hyde. He knew this was about Sarah Cox, Ryders’ sister.

“Loyalty is a difficult bond to sever.” His eyes narrowing, he watched as Draven moved to stand in front of him.

“Loyalty” repeating the word Draven’s dark eyes bore into his.

“Are you still Loyal Hyde?”

“As I always have been, I still am,”

“Kneel” the word held no power yet. Draven’s intent gaze not breaking from his.

His mask slipping, Hyde’s lip curled into an almost snarl. He knew he should kneel. He knew the game was not worth the pain that could come. But with the moon so close, his beast wanted dominance. He would rather the pain than to kneel to another in front of Talia.

A small smile of anticipation twisting Draven’s lip. The sadistic bastard wanted to play. He wanted Hyde to resist so he could hurt him. So that he could drop him to floor and have him writhe in a pathetic heap.

There was no chance in hell he would give the leech the satisfaction.

Taking a steadying breath, Hyde took hold of his inner beasts. Reining the rising rage back under his control, he bowed his head. His demonic side, almost as strong as his wolf filling his eyes with molten heat.

She wasn’t his mate. She may not smell of Draven’s bed, but she most certainly didn’t smell of his.

He would kneel in front of his master so his pack didn’t have to. He would kneel because it was the opposite of what Draven wanted. She would not see Draven torture him.
