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“It’s because I know you so well that I know, without a doubt, something is up with you, Bear,” Zach says, slowly twirling his glass with his fingertips as he studies me closely.

His consideration is beginning to piss me off, but I can’t give him that. If he catches even a whiff that he may be right, it’s over. I’ll never hear the end of it. And before I know it, the rest of the guys will be giving me hell about it too.

“Nothing’s up, so give me a break, would you? It was a stupid bet. You’re acting like I lost a billion-dollar merger or something,” I glare at him.

Zach straightens and jabs his finger at me. I don’t like the look of unearned victory on his face. “Exactly! You never lose a bet. Stupid bets are your life force, and yet here we are… You handing over a blank check because you like a girl?”

He sniggers at me. Fucking sniggers like a school boy. My jaw tightens reflexively to hold back the slew of scathing remarks popping into my head. Because fuck this guy.

“It’s a decrepit, old community theater. Trust me, it’s not breaking my bank.” Out of frustration, I grab his half finished drink out of his hand and slug it back.

But instead of getting mad about it, his smile widens and he shakes his head. “What’s happened to you? You used to be a legend around here.”

“Hi, Eddie. You’re looking especially handsome tonight.” Nicole brushes up to our table, batting her lashes at me.

I can feel Zach’s eyes on me as I smile up at her. He’s probably taking mental notes on my reaction so he can report back to the rest of the crew. Well, if it’s assurance he wants, then I’ll be more than happy to give it to him.

I glide my hand between her legs and wrap my arm around her thigh. She follows dutifully, coming to stand right up against me. Flaming red hair - obviously from a bottle - makes her green eyes come off electric. She’s by no means an ugly human.

“You know, when a beautiful woman calls me handsome she has to be ready for me to do something about it,” I flash a wink paired with my signature smirk.

It’s normal for women to melt when I make a move like this. Descend into shy giggles, maybe even blush a little. But Nicole holds my gaze with a subtle confidence, her tongue slowly coming out to wet her lips.

“I get off in a couple of hours,” she says in a low, husky voice. “Then I’m free for you to take me back to your place and… get me off.”

It’s cringeworthy, to say the least. But Zach seems to be enjoying our little exchange and I get the feeling Nicole will be just the thing to finally get him off my back. More than proving to my crew I’m still the same person I’ve always been, I need to prove it to myself.

I’m not the guy who goes soft. Gets snatched up by a pretty face and is made to settle down. Sure, I sold my fake engagement only a few hours ago, but that’s only because I know the press is going to eat it up once I call it off. They’ll be falling over themselves to get to me. Make me their headline.

Ethan telling me to quit the games and grow up. Gram telling me to take our family’s legacy seriously. All of that nags at me from somewhere in the back of my head. But it doesn’t get much further than that.

I give Nicole’s apron a suggestive tug. “Why don’t you go hang this up and tell Cameron you’ll work in your hours tomorrow?”

Uncertainty wavers on her face. “Uh… I can’t work an extended shift tomorrow because I have a thing. Besides, I don’t think Cam will go for it.”

“She has a thing, Bear. You hear that?” Zach laughs, ready to give me hell if I fail to lock this shit down.

I tighten my grip on her thigh and turn so that both my legs are out of the booth. I pull Nicole between them. Real close. Skin like butter. My hands move to rest behind her knees.

And my God, she likes it.

“I can make Cameron’s life very difficult if he doesn’t do as I say. You tell him that. Unless… you’d rather go home alone?”

The corner of her mouth twitches with the beginning of a smile and I release her, turning back to Zach. Because it’s over. I don’t need to wait for her to say anything to know I’ve won. Not yet believing it, my friend’s eyes move from me to Nicole and back again, waiting, eyebrows raised. He’s practically climbing out of his skin in anticipation.

“I’ll be right back,” she says finally, snapping her order pad as she makes to leave.

“Hey, what about our drinks?” Zach calls after her.

Without breaking the spring in her step, she glances over her shoulder and says, “I’m off duty. I’ll send Tammy over.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh, because the look on Zach’s face is priceless. A mixture of incredulity and awe.

“You see, Zach, losing a bet is very different from losing my touch.” I slip on my suit jacket, brushing imaginary dirt from my shoulders for added effect. “When it comes to me, only one of those things is possible. Unlikely, but possible.”

Zach makes an emphasized motion of bowing, his forehead nearly hitting the table. “I take it all back, My Liege. Forgive my egregious lack of common sense.”

His submissive position is too good to resist, and I plant a cracking slap to the back of his head. Zach straightens with a groan wrapped up in a belly laugh as he rubs the spot that’s surely stinging.
