Page 88 of Kansas

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“Just tell me!” I screamed, as Kansas flinched. All conversations stopped. I didn’t mean to make a scene, but this was important. I needed to know. I didn’t have time for twenty questions. I just wanted Kansas to answer my question.

“Jinx was a tall man. About six foot seven, weighed about two sixty, maybe two eighty. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.”

“Did he have a tattoo?”

Kansas nodded. “He was a biker babe. We all have them.”

“Of a kaleidoscope on his right arm. Did he have that?”

Kansas glared at me as the brothers drifted closer.

I could feel them all moving towards me.

I knew.

I don’t know how I knew, but I felt it in my bones when I heard Kansas and Pence talked about a man named Jinx.

It was too big of a coincidence.

It had to be.

It was the only thing that made sense.

It had been so long, but I knew I was right.

That would explain why no one could find him.

Kansas stepped forward, grabbing my arms. “Kali, how did you know Jinx had a kaleidoscope on his right arm?”

“Because he named me Jinx.” I whispered as tears pooled in my eyes. “My brother gave me that name when I was born. It’s what he called me. His Jinx. Before he left, he got a tattoo of a kaleidoscope on his arm so he would never forget me. Said it was so I would always be close to him. Please Kansas, please tell me your Jinx and my brother are not the same person. Please tell me my brother isn’t dead.”

“Oh shit,” someone cursed, as Kansas hugged me to him

Holding onto him for dear life, I begged again and again that this wasn’t real. That he would tell me that his Jinx and my brother were not the same person. He couldn’t be. I couldn’t have lost my brother, too. Not after everything that happened. I didn’t want to be alone. I kept going because I hoped Kole was still alive. Out there somewhere, living his life. But he wasn’t.

I knew it now.

My brother was dead.

He was never coming home.

I would never see him again.

“She’s upset, mom. How do you think she feels? Just do me a favor and take the kids to the park with Mrs. Worthington. Kali needs some time.”

“Alright sweetheart.”

Laying curled in my bed, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. So many lost years, gone. All that time wasted. I would never see my brother again.

The bed dipped behind me as Kansas curled himself around me, holding me close. I refused to believe Kansas when he told me that his Jinx had the same tattoo as my brother, but when Pence showed me a picture of him and Jinx that he kept on his phone, I crumbled in Kansas’ arms.

They were one and the same.

My brother Kole was Jinx.

My brother was a member of the Diamondback motorcycle club, and he was dead. Laying there in his arms, I tried not to think, but no matter what I tried, the faces of those I loved who died filtered into my mind.

Faces I would never see again.

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