Page 131 of Skyla

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Delta turned over. He looked just as confused as he felt. I reached through my shadows and retrieved clothes for everyone. We didn’t have the luxury of time.

“What the fuck happened?” Comet groaned.

“I’m not sure,” I said. “But I think our mate used her magic to make us sleep.”

“Why?” Delta asked.

I leveled him with a glare, daring him to truly ask the question. He sprang to his feet, grabbing the clothes. “Fuck.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

Closing my eyes, I called every shadow I had andfloodedthe compound.

Every club member better get their asses to the plaza in five minutes. Be ready to ride.

“Why would she do this?” Wraith asked, more to himself than to anyone else.

Because my baby girl had a soft heart even though she was with us. Because she felt guilty and wanted to save everyone else pain. Because she saw the chance to fix things and took it, no matter how dangerous. “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting there.”

We were dressed and in the plaza in seconds, stepping through shadows and into pure chaos. I closed my eyes, unleashing my power once more. “Arm yourselves.” My voice carried through the crowd and my magic opened a smoky door into the armory. I made sure I had my gun and more than enough bullets. Magic was good, but it wasn’t finite when you were fighting and exhausted.

But bullets coated in Belladonna?

Those would do the trick just fine.

Ghost came walking over to me, Jessie trailing behind him. Based on her face, she already knew.

“Did you see her?” I asked him. He was guarding the gate.

“I did.”

The growl snapped out of me before I could stop it, and rage followed. He held up his hands. “I told her not to go and refused to take her. She asked me to give her time, and I told her an hour. I was going to tell you when the hour was up.”

“How long has it been?”

“About fifty minutes.”

My eyes cut to Comet. That wasn’t long, but it wasn’t enough time for her to get there on foot. “Yourefused to take her?”

His mouth hardened. “Bookend took her. He’s back now.”

“I’m going to gut him,” Delta said.

“We need every person we’ve got right now,” I said, glaring at Ghost. “We’ll deal with him, and you, later.”

He nodded, resignation in his eyes. Interesting. He knew how angry I would be, and he still let her go.

Ghost kissed Jessie and grabbed stuff from the armory.

I projected my voice to all of them, not speaking loudly. “The gloves are off,” I told them. “Any Legion member you see, you are free to engage. Head straight for their compound unless you see they’re elsewhere.”

“Kill orders?”

I recognized the voice as Razor. “If they surrender, we’ll decide what to do with them after. I doubt there will be many now—”

Lightburst into the sky, parting the clouds and shaking the earth. A beam of pure, violent power to the north. Right where she would be.

I didn’t bother saying anything more. The gates opened, and we rode. It wasn’t a careful ride. My jacket scraped the pavement more than once, I was taking corners so deeply. It still wasn’t fast enough.
