Page 25 of Skyla

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I glared at Comet. “What happens to couples like that who are found out?”

They had the grace not to voice the answer. Because it was:they were killed.

Delta sat on the floor, running his fingers on the carpet for Puff to scramble after. Wraith pushed off the wall where he was leaning and sat in the last available chair. “Do you know much about your fae heritage?”

“Enough to know it will get me killed. But no,” I admitted. “I wanted to know as little as possible. Because if I didn’t know, then anything fae-like was an accident and less likely to be noticed.”

Grave swore, and my eyes snapped to him. “You didn’t think that would make it worse?”

I wasn’t used to hearing him speak. “It worked on the five of you, and you’re fae, so you tell me.”

They all shared a look I couldn’t interpret.

Silver looked at me again. “I won’t apologize for you being here, Sky. And I won’t apologize for claiming you. But I will apologize for our part in it.”

I frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“We, uh—” Comet cleared his throat. “We were the ones who took the shipment of cocaine from the guys meant to deliver it to the Legion. We didn’t know Kramer had anything to do with it, and obviously, we didn’t know what he would do to you.”

“Youwhat?” I was on my feet in a second. “Are you fucking kidding me?”


I moved toward Silver, not even sure what I meant to do, when arms imprisoned me from behind. Delta held me against his body, and I couldn’t ignore how it felt or the impossible heat that built under my skin. Heat that was impossibly dark and silky, dangerous and seductive.

“What were we supposed to do?” he asked softly in my ear. “Let those fuckers trample on our business for nothing? Even if it weren’t our territory, we could have taken those drugs for some fun and excitement. They should thank us for being so gracious instead of letting them take it and gutting them like the pricks they are.”

“Let me go.”

He did, but this mouth stayed at my ear. “I know Silver already told you, but you’ve always been ours. Stay mad, baby, but you can’t avoid us forever.”

“Watch me. Listen—”

“No,” Silver said, standing and closing the distance between us. I stepped back, but with Delta still behind me, there was nowhere to go. Silver’s clear, frosty scent wrapped around me, along with shadows that bound my arms to my sides and my feet to the floor. “You’re going to listen.”

I glared at him, wishing I was wearing more clothes so I could push aside my gut instinct to jump up, wrap my legs around his hips, and see what happened after.

“This wasn’t what you wanted. I get that. But you’re here, baby girl. That’s not changing. No going back in time and making things different. Be angry if you want, but we saved your life. Think about where you’d be right now.”

“You’re going to hold that over my head?”

His hand gripped my hair so fast I was dizzy. “No. But I’m not going to let you pretend you’re better off without us.”

I pulled against the shadows, and they kept me still. The raw fire in his eyes told me he knew exactly what my body’s reaction to that was. “This was always going to happen.” My tone mocked him. “Right?”

A slow smile. “That’s right. And when you’re ready, we’ll tell you why. Clearly that’s not tonight.”


Silver slowly pulled my head back, exposing my neck to him. He inhaled the point of my pulse before the hand in my hair tightened even further. I almost moaned at the delicious pressure. “You and I both know that if I pushed you, I could strip this robe off you and worship your body the way I want to, and you would love every second. But you’re not ready. So stay mad, baby girl. You’re not going anywhere.”

Those words made me furious, and he knew it, chuckling before pressing his lips to my skin. A nearly animal sound came out of him, feral with need that poured into me.

“When you’re ready, we’ll have another chat.” He stepped back. “You’ll have all your things in the morning.”

They followed. Wraith stepped close. “If you need another outlet for all that anger, tell us,kitten.” He smirked and glanced at Puff, who was watching them go.

I followed them to the door and grabbed it before it closed. “I’ll need one more thing.”
