Page 75 of Chasing Secrets

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“Igotta admit, I’m kind of starting to take it personally,” Lincoln muttered as we slowly weaved between the trees. He was holding my hand like he always did now. It’d been two weeks since the night of our first sexual encounter and from that moment on, neither of us had tried to hide our relationship from anyone in the house. Since everyone had pretty much already known about it, it hadn’t been big news, but Walter had suitably complained that now there were even fewer places for him and Lenny to “do some lovin’” because there was another couple who’d be “dinging each other’s dongs all over the place.”

I’d been embarrassed, mostly because Walter had hit the nail on the head. Lincoln had made it a habit to pull me into a room or corner or shadow inside and outside when I was least expecting it. His mouth would be on mine before I could even protest, not that I ever would have anyway.

There’d been one day when we’d been so caught up in our haze of desire that we’d walked in on Ford and Cam going at it in the big walk-in pantry in the kitchen. The men had been so far gone they hadn’t even noticed us, but all the moans and sounds of flesh slapping against flesh had sent Lincoln and me straight up to his room. I’d barely managed to get the door closed before he’d pinned me up against it and lifted me so my legs were around his waist. He’d proceeded to grind our bodies together, fully clothed, until we’d both come at nearly the same time. Lincoln had been forced to cover my mouth with his hand when I’d climaxed because it turned out I was a bit of a screamer when it came to getting off.

Not a good thing in a family with a teenager and two old men who couldn’t hear you when you sat next to them but somehow managed to comment on “strange” sounds coming from the third floor all night long.

I still had trouble with the thought of Lincoln’s hand or even my own touching my dick when I was aroused, so sex was limited to lots of grinding and humping and a shit-ton of kissing. Oral sex wasn’t even on the table for me yet, and as much as I wanted to fuck Lincoln, I was too scared that something would happen in the middle of the act and I’d flip out. Regardless, things were going so well that it felttoowell sometimes. I was waiting for that next slide to appear even as I did everything in my power to keep it from happening.

The morning after our first sexual encounter, Lincoln had given me some names of potential therapists. He’d been nervous that I’d be upset with him for taking the initiative before we’d even really become an official couple, but it had been the opposite. I’d been grateful because it would have been something I would have struggled with and likely put off. As much as I wanted to be open with Lincoln about everything, I was still afraid it would ultimately lead to him looking at me with disgust and contempt.

After reading through the therapists’ backgrounds, I’d ended up making appointments with all of them to see which one I felt most comfortable with. I’d seen two of them already and was scheduled to see the last one at the end of the week. None of them were close by, so Lincoln would have to drive me over an hour each way just to get to the nearest one.

Beyond that, we hadn’t really talked about the future. While I was eager to find a job so I could pay my own way, I knew it wasn’t realistic. I currently lived in a very protective bubble that consisted of Cam and Ford’s house and the Kent brothers’ wildlife sanctuary. I wasn’t so sure I could handle life outside that bubble anytime soon. Lincoln had tried to convince me that money wasn’t an issue since he still had plenty of it in his trust, but he’d understood when I’d explained that wasn’t really the point. On the one hand I wanted to start my new life, while on the other, I was afraid that rocking the boat even a little bit would end up in disaster.

So things were kind of in a holding pattern. I still spent most of the day reading or helping Riley with his homework, but mornings and evenings were when Lincoln and I always walked to our spot to meet up with Nacho. The black dog was almost always waiting for us, but he still only allowed me to touch him, a fact that Lincoln often grumbled about since he’d found the dog first. I knew he was never serious, though. While we didn’t know where Nacho went when he wasn’t with us, he’d put on some pounds with all the scraps we’d been feeding him, and his black coat had gotten glossy and thick. Lincoln had explained to me where to feel around the dog’s neck to see if I could feel any kind of microchip, but I hadn’t had any success. We’d ultimately borrowed a scanner from Sawyer after telling him about the dog, and there’d been no result when I’d run the instrument over the back of Nacho’s neck.

“He’s just playing hard to get,” I responded as I gave Lincoln’s arm a little tug to get his attention. “I still love you,” I said sweetly. He rolled his eyes and then pulled me forward. My back ended up pressed against a tree and when he dropped his mouth to mine, I gladly took what he was offering. The kiss left me completely breathless, and I was ready for more but when I went to unbutton my jeans, Lincoln stopped me. He let out a frustrated growl.

“Hold that thought, sweetheart. This tree will scratch the hell out of your back and I’m not walking all the way to our spot and back with jizz dripping down my legs. Not with Walter waiting for us on the porch to do hiscum-in-spection.”

I laughed because Lincoln was always the target of Walter’s filthy jokes. The old man had taken to waiting for us every evening to get back to the house. He’d set his wheelchair firmly in front of the door and scan Lincoln’s groin for damp spots. He had come up with the grossly inappropriate term for the so-called inspections and had laughed heartily when he’d explained the double entendre.

The old man’s theory was that if Lincoln had cum in his pants, then it stood to reason that some of that cum could be dripping onto the ground and thus, he shouldn’t be allowed tocome inthe house until he’d used the garden hose to clean up first. Lincoln had kept his cool as Walter had pulled the stunt, but when the old man had gone on to explain that his logic was sound because I was such a hot little number that it stood to reason that we’d be fucking like bunnies and Lincoln would be collecting a lot of jizz in his shorts, my man had made the mistake of reacting in a less than calm manner. He’d growled and firmly pushed Walter’s chair out of the way so we could get into the house.

Lincoln’s reaction meant he’d basically painted a target on his own ass… or in his case, groin, because Walter was relentless. I wasn’t even sure if and how Walter knew that when Lincoln fucked me, he never actually fucked me. I suspected the old man was much sharper than he let on and he’d noticed both me and Lincoln sporting damp spots on our pants more than once both inside and outside of the house.

“Well, if you would stop complaining less about Nacho having chosen his favorite person and walk faster, we could do all sorts of things in our spot since there’s an endless amount of water to clean up with. Not to mention we can get completely naked—”

He kissed me hard and grabbed my hand again before practically dragging me through the woods. “You’re going to pay for that one,” he threatened.

“Promise?” I teased.

Lincoln was a master of bringing me to the edge and back over and over before letting me come. But I’d learned a few things and always made it my personal goal to send him over first so I could watch his expression as he shot his release all over my dick. Since my hang-up was only with my own dick being touched, Lincoln was free to use his own hand on himself. He’d only recently started using his hand to jerk off after he’d sent me over. He liked shooting his load directly at my sensitive dick to prolong my aftershocks. I’d finally gotten brave enough the previous night to use my hand on him for the first time. I’d loved having him at my mercy. He made me feel strong and beautiful when he told me how much he needed me, loved me.

He muttered a curse beneath his breath and walked even faster. By the time we cleared the woods, we were already tearing off each other’s clothing. Despite joking about punishing me with pleasure, we were both too needy to go slow. I managed to keep a naked Lincoln on his back in the soft bed of leaves by pinning his wrists to the ground and grinding my cock against his.

“Fuck, yes,” Lincoln moaned as he lifted his hips to meet the pressure of my dick against his. I rode him hard and fast, twisting my hips against his. His dick was pinned beneath my ass, so I took advantage of that and pretended he was inside of me. I sat up and played around with different positions to find the one I liked best. I shifted forward enough that his dick could slip between my ass cheeks. I knew he would never push himself into my body without my permission, so I teased him mercilessly by rubbing my hole against the head of his dick. It wasn’t something I’d been planning on doing but my body knew what it liked, and my mind wasn’t interfering with threats of electricity jolting through me, so I had to take full advantage of the moment.

I could feel Lincoln’s pre-cum slickening the channel between my ass cheeks, so it was easy to slide my ass up and down a few times before I’d stop and press my hole down on the head of his cock.

The move meant I had to brace one hand on Lincoln’s abdomen while using the other to make sure his dick stayed between my ass cheeks.

“Look at me,” Lincoln demanded as his big hands gripped my thighs to keep me balanced.

I hadn’t realized I’d closed my eyes until he issued the order. I opened them to see his gorgeous dark blue eyes darken with lust. His hair was loose and some of the soft strands stuck to the sweat on his brow and along his muscular neck.

“So fucking beautiful,” he muttered. He let me stay in control for a few more seconds before he suddenly sat up. He raised his legs to support my back.

“Keep your hand where it is,” Lincoln commanded. I knew he was talking about the one that was keeping his dick from sliding out of the grip of my ass cheeks. I wrapped my other arm around his neck. Our bodies were crushed together as Lincoln began thrusting up. Not only did the friction send the most delicious sensations along my crack, but his muscled abdomen was also rubbing against my cock. I wished I could see the picture that we made, fucking like animals in the dirt without actually fucking. How had I ever thought my sexual hang-ups would limit the pleasure I could feel with this man?

This gorgeous, kind, sweet, generous man who’d been watching over me from the day I met him.

We came at virtually the same time. Lincoln shifted enough to grab his dick and press it against my hole as he came. I could feel little spurts of hot liquid entering my body. At the same time, my own cock exploded. More hot liquid hit my chest and even my chin as the orgasm tore through me with wave after wave of pleasure.

Lincoln’s tongue licked up my chin then dipped into my mouth, feeding me my own essence. I could barely return the kiss because he was still bucking beneath me every time an aftershock hit him. When it was finally over, Lincoln’s forehead was pressed against my chest. He was shaking.
